blog title

Coming up with a batch of fresh content regularly can sometimes be taxing. We’ve all been there, and it’s sure to come to us in the future whether we like it or not. Writer’s block is real, and even the best of the best writers suffer from its crippling effects. When you’ve exhausted every idea you’ve got, finding something to blog about can be an ordeal. Here are blog topics to help you get out of the rut and start writing again:


Use Technology

blog topic generator

One of the easiest ways to get blog ideas to write about is through the use of technology. Generators for blog topics are all over the internet, and many writers find them to be very effective. HubSpot and Answer the Public are good examples.


Get Inspired By Everyday Life 

blog topic generator

When stumped on what blog topics to write, you can always look at the world around you to get inspiration. Watch the news or read books and learn what’s happening in your neighborhood as what Slashdot does. There will always be something about your everyday life that you can write about.


See What’s Trending

blog topic generator

Find out what’s popular and trending and get your blog inspiration from them. You’ll know what people would want to read when you learn what the buzzwords are. Get your ideas from what’s trending on Twitter or what’s most talked about on forums.


Write About Your Expertise

blog topic generator

An excellent way to get the creative writing juices flowing is to write about what you know best. Think about the good and bad experiences that led you to your expertise and tell the world about it. Think Mashable with the multitude of topics they write about.


Steal Ideas from Your Favorite Bloggers

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Well, not copy them, but be inspired by what they write about. Digital marketing guru Neil Patel is a favorite among writers, entrepreneurs, SEO experts, and many more. Whatever field you’re in, you’re sure to get inspired by his brilliant blog.


See What Your Competition is Up To

Search for your competitors’ blog posts and see what they’re writing about. Look for the most popular blogs and learn something from it, see what makes them tick. Find out what works well for them and what doesn’t and get your leads from there.


Explore Keywords

blog topic generator

When people search for something on the web, it only means they want to read a topic about it. Learn to do keyword research using tools such as Ahrefs or Google autocomplete to help you get the most relevant keywords. Once you know which topics most people search for, you’ll get inspired to write about it.


Go On Social Media

If you run out of things to write about, take to social media. Monitor what discussions are trending, what hashtags are getting the most shares, what photos are getting the most views so you can come up with blog inspirations.


Update Your Old Articles

Gather your previous articles and create new versions of them. Update the dates or topics to make them relevant to the current trends. While you’re sitting out that flash of writer’s block, republish your old articles and give them a new life.


Search the Internet

blog topic generator

Scour the internet for topics to write about that can get the block out of your head. Forums such as Reddit or Quora are good sources of topics in times of blog ideas drought. You can even ask questions, and people will gladly give you answers.


How to Overcome Writer’s Block

If you’re still unable to break out of the slump, here are some tips that can help you snap out of it:


Take a Break

Go for a walk, pet your dog, take a nap, do whatever you need to get your mind off writing. When you clear your mind off writing, it’s like pushing the reset button. You can start fresh and get the pressure off while you’re at it. 


Get Rid of Distractions

Turn off the TV or your mobile phone to eliminate any distractions that may get in your way of writing. You can also change your writing location to get a new perspective. If you write in the bedroom where it’s effortless to go jump in the bed, go outside the garden and let nature stir you into a writing frenzy.


Create a Routine

Disciplining yourself into creating a writing routine is bound to help you break out of the block. Don’t write only at times that you feel creative, or else, you may never get that writing groove back. When you establish a routine, you’re setting your body into writing and setting your mind to write regardless of your mood.


Reread Your Best Blog Posts

When you see how awesome your previous blog posts are, you’ll get inspired to create more of them. Imposter syndrome is real, and many famous writers fall victim to it. One reason you may be experiencing writer’s block is because of self-doubt. Rereading your best articles can boost your self-esteem enough to get you writing again.


Set Realistic Writing Goals

Don’t set yourself up to fail by setting unrealistic goals in your writing. Sometimes, the one thing that keeps us from writing is when we give in to pressure. The pressure to write thousands of words per hour or the weight of using highfalutin words can give us the writer’s block. Without these to distract your mind, you’re likely to get your writing mojo back again.


Write as You Please 

Without thinking of correct grammar or punctuation, write whatever’s on your mind. It doesn’t have to be award-winning, do it to stir up the creative juices and get them flowing again. Think of it as an appetizer or a warm-up to get your writing muscles up and about.


Final Thoughts 

Blog topics are all around us. We’ll never run out of things to write about, but sadly, writer’s block happens even to the best of us. But that isn’t the end of the world; there are many things you can do to keep the excitement level high.

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