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Businesses use it to build their credibility. Influencers employ it to increase their following. Without a doubt, SEO blog writing makes it possible to reach more people and establish a brand. And if you’re looking for ways to use search engine optimization to grow your venture, you’re already a step closer to better online publicity.

When you’re new to online writing, however, it’s easy to overlook mistakes that do more harm than good. And sometimes, a ton of resources out there contradict one another, making it more difficult to tread water.

So as not to contribute to the confusion, we’ll be simple and straight-to-the-point as we discuss common SEO mistakes newbie bloggers commit when starting their blog. We’ll also look at the best practices to keep in mind and delve into what makes an SEO blog different from a casual one. 

So get ready to take notes as we uncover the secrets of effective writing, both for readers and search engines. 


The Importance of SEO-Friendly Article for Business

According to stats, the top five organic results that show up in search results account for 67.60% of all the clicks. This number only goes to show how crucial it is to make the most out of SEO blog writing best practices. In fact, it can make all the difference in making your brand shine brighter than the rest. 

Here are some of its benefits it can bring to your venture:

  • Brings organic traffic to your website 
  • Keeps your website fresh and relevant
  • Enhances your brand’s online presence
  • Introduces your brand to a cold audience
  • Establishes your brand as a credible source by answering readers’ queries

Obviously, no business would want to miss out on these benefits. If you look at the best SEO blogs, for instance, you’d see how they make the most out of this channel to reach their market. In short, it’s not about purely marketing your brand to random people. Instead, the focus is to provide useful information to those who are actually searching for it.


5 Mistakes to Avoid in SEO Blog Writing

female bloggers

You may have already read articles on how to write an SEO friendly blog for a business. However, that doesn’t mean you know what NOT to do when creating posts. Here are five mistakes you should avoid and help you make the most out of your efforts.


1. Writing Without a Structure Plan

Though there’s no magic formula for an effective blog, it’s crucial to organize your info from the get-go. Before hitting the keyboard, try to be clear about the following elements first:

  • What is the topic about, and how can you summarize your idea in one sentence?
  • How can you make the piece different from other articles out there?
  • What are the points that support your main idea?
  • Given the supporting points, what’s your conclusion?

Answering these questions before you start writing can guide you as you build your piece. In the same vein, it will also prevent you from steering away from your main topic as you write.


2. Not Giving the Title Much Thought

The importance of an SEO blog title can’t be stressed enough. For one, your title tells search engines what your blog is about and whether it’s related to the query they received. Added to that, it’s also the first thing readers see if your blog shows up in search results. In short, it’s a make-or-break factor; people decide whether your blog is worth reading depending on your title.


3. Improper Heading Titles

If you look at the best blog structure examples from high-ranking websites, you’ll see that they pay close attention to heading titles. Though headings are meant to organize your piece into sections, it’s also a good practice to use keywords or keyword synonyms for these parts of the blog. That way, search engines would have more info on the blog’s topic and whether they should include it in its results.


4. Hard-to-Read Sentences

One of the basics of how to write a blog post is using simple sentences that are easy to understand. To help ensure that search engines see your blog as readable and useful, check its Flesch score before you post it. A piece that’s hard to read will have a high bounce rate (the rate of readers clicking the link but navigating away right away). Consequently, a high bounce rate tells search engines that the blog isn’t valuable and, thus, not worthy of showing in search results.


5. Keyword Overstuffing

If you learned how to create a blog in SEO ten years ago, this was an acceptable practice. However, search engine algorithms have evolved and have become smarter ever since. So, overstuffing your blog with the same keyword or phrase will come off as spammy and will not rank. To avoid this, use related keywords instead and use them as natural as possible throughout the piece.


SEO Blog vs. Casual Blog

Some might think that blogging is all about posting new content to keep the website fresh and updated. However, there are clear differences between a blog that’s made with SEO best practices and one that’s made for purely casual purposes.

  • Content. Casual blogs typically have personal content that aims to express feelings or opinions. SEO blogs, on the other hand, usually delve on topics aimed at informing readers or providing answers to their queries.
  • Structure. Personal blogs have more allowance for random structures. Though business blogs also don’t follow a master template, it needs to organize info to achieve its purpose. For example, a pro copywriter for business would know how to compose and arrange data and include parts like calls-to-action as needed.
  • Benefits. Blogs for brands aim to enhance brand publicity and strengthen trust among its community. Casual blog, on the other hand, may only be focused on expressing insights or exercising creative freedom.

Learning how to be a blogger is one thing while studying SEO blog writing can be a whole different story. If you’re an entrepreneur without enough time to study SEO marketing, it might be smarter to hire a blogger. By doing so, you can make the most out of your blog while still having the time to manage other crucial parts of your business.

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