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Blog marketing offers a myriad of benefits to any business, no doubt about that. Aside from bringing in website traffic, it also paints the brand as an industry leader, thus boosting trust and reputation. For ventures immersed in content marketing, there’s a big challenge that needs to be dealt with: coming up with a fresh blog post idea for every piece. 

If you’ve been scouring the net for content strategy tips, look no further! Here are 35 unique blog ideas to rocket your website traffic.

1. If you’re looking for a blog post idea that will spark interest instantly, try to interview an influential person in the industry you’re in. For instance, if you’re offering baking supplies, interview a popular baker or a celebrity pastry chef.

2. Not all profile blog posts need to be about a popular celebrity. For example, profiling an employee is a great way to show readers what it’s like to be on the other side of the business.

3. Interview a customer and focus on a success story related to the products or services that you offer.

4. Besides known personalities, employees, and customers, here’s another blog post idea that taps on an interesting perspective – yours. Talk about your life as a business owner.

5. Know how listicles work? Create a list of your previous posts and package it as a new blog. For instance, you can compile a list of those that got the most views or organize blogs by theme.

6. Write a blog post listing the best tools or software for your niche. If you’re offering diet meal plans, for example, you might want to recommend apps that help users track calorie consumption.

7. Do you have job openings in your company? Write about it. And while at it, discuss the things you’re looking for in a team member.

8. Offer an infographic about a hot topic that’s widely discussed within your niche or industry.

9. Want to make things a little exciting? Make a blog scavenger hunt and consider offering a prize for finishers.

10. Many blogs talk about tips and how-tos. Instead of that, go the opposite route and write a “what not to do” post. In the same vein, you can also come up with “top mistakes” lists. 

11. Chances are, you already have an FAQs section on your website. However, some questions may not make it on that list. Write a blog post answering these questions.

12. Are you helping out a local cause or charity? If so, write about it on your blog. In addition to basic info, include details on how readers can also volunteer or donate.

13.  Are you familiar with curated blog posts? These are posts that compile a list of pieces from other blogs. For instance, a list of vegan recipes that link to other blogs can be an excellent read for someone looking for that very info.

14. If you’re looking for spiritual blog post ideas, try to look within instead of outward. For example, you can share a personal story to help inspire your blog readers.

15. Create a video demonstrating how to do something your readers would love to learn.

16. Are you sponsoring an event anytime soon? Write about it on your blog.

17. Pick a service, event, or book that your community cares about. For instance, if you’re selling a music app, maybe you could review a music festival or a new album.

18. Update your readers about current changes in your company. For example, you can give them a summary of what has been happening in your business over the past month or quarter.

19. Create a blog post centering on your goals for the year. In the same vein, encourage your readers to share their goals in the comment section.

20. You may already have a short history of your venture on the About Us page. However, you may also want to consider telling the story in long-form, detailing the parts and elements most important to you.

21. Sometimes, you can’t help but feel that you’ve exhausted every blog post idea there is within your niche. In times like these, try to go off-topic and write about something that’s not related to your regular content.

22. Write a post about the best posts. Look at the best and most-shared blogs within your niche and write a blog post about them.

23. Readers come to your blog for value. And to up the value of your blog, consider providing downloadable content like checklists, templates, or ebooks free of charge.

24. Announce an open call for guest bloggers. This is one of the best blog post ideas lifestyle brands use! 

25. Give your readers a glimpse into your social media profiles. Link your accounts and offer samples of the type of content you regularly post. Hopefully, this blog will encourage them to follow your accounts.

26. Create a post compiling your clients’ reviews, comments, and testimonials.

27. Provide a behind-the-scenes look that shows pictures and anecdotes from your office or shop.

28. Pick one of your products or services and showcase it on a blog post.

29. Want to increase your followers? Host a giveaway or run a contest through a blog.

30. Create a post about an event you attended. May it be physical or virtual, describe your experience during the event. In addition to that, you can also share your insights and the lessons you learned.  

31. They say who you follow on Twitter says a lot about you. Compile a list of the top accounts you follow on Twitter and pick a memorable tweet from each.

32. Here’s one of the most common blog post ideas for writers: a how-to post. Create a blog post that explains the process step-by-step. Try to pick a topic that’s relevant to your niche for maximum impact.

33. Have you recently overhauled your logo, shop, or office? Make a before and after blog post about it.

34. Is there a quote, a passage, an article, or a book that greatly influenced how you run your business? Share it with your readers. Who knows? Your words might influence eager readers too.

35. Here’s one way to collect blog post ideas for beginners – get it straight from your readers. How? Simply create blog posts that poll your followers about the content that they want to see more of in the future. At the same time, it will also be a good opportunity to ask for feedback for your blog topic lineup. 

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