business blogger

Business owners have a lot on their minds, that’s why a little push towards the right direction is very much welcome. And the internet abounds with blogs here and there that are ready to help you with articles, guides, and how to’s. Tons of innovative ideas you probably wouldn’t be able to come up with especially if you’re new to business blogs.

You’ll never run out of things to read but since time is gold, who wants to waste their time on duds? Which ones are worth your while? Here are some of the best business blogs we found to add to your bookmarks:


Octane Blog

duct_tape articles

Octane is the blog of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), a global business network of more than 12,000 entrepreneurs. It features articles written by experienced entrepreneurs, guest posts from renowned business bloggers, excerpts from the best business books, and valuable insights on entrepreneurship across the globe.


Insights by Stanford Business

insights articles

The Stanford Graduate School of Business shares business blogs, research, and insights via, Insights. They provide information and ideas to help seasoned and aspiring leaders change lives, organizations, and the world. Its global community of business experts shares their wisdom, news, and updates on all things business.


Neil Patel

neil_patel articles

A business blog from the legendary Neil Patel, who rose to fame for being one of the brightest luminaries in the digital marketing space. An analytics expert, the blog focuses on SEO, internet marketing, growth hacking, and conversion optimization. If you’re searching for tips and tricks on how to increase sales through online marketing, this should be your go-to blog.



mashable articles

If you want to read up on business news, reposts, opinions, and other related topics but with a lighter tone, Mashable is for you. It mixes business with pleasure with its humor and wit on the memes and entertainment news they feature on their blogs. Get the latest trends in business and online entrepreneurship in this one-stop-shop of a blog.


The Moz Blog

moz articles

A leader in SEO tools and information, Moz shares website optimization and valuable insights on The Moz Blog. It has loads of topics ranging from website ranking to getting feedback. It is very engaging so it’s no surprise when you pick up some SEO gems from the readers as well.


Forbes Entrepreneurs

forbes articles

The Entrepreneurs section of the Forbes website is a haven for business owners and of course, entrepreneurs. It is one of the most reliable sources for news and financial information. Also, it features business owners and celebrities that you can get inspiration from. Plus, it has superb content that’s considered a must-read if you want your business to get on the high grounds.


Entrepreneur Magazine

entrepreneur_mag articles

Entrepreneur Magazine features articles that would be good reads for business owners, big or small. From entrepreneurship and management to customer loyalty, branding, and even stress management, you can find it there. Its millions of readers are proof enough that it’s a business blog worthy of your attention.


Gary Vaynerchuk

gary vaynerchuk articles

Having invested in Uber, Facebook, and Twitter, Gary Vaynerchuk has been in the business and marketing limelight for quite some time now. An esteemed entrepreneur and public speaker, it would do your business a lot of good if you take a leaf out of his book. Learn from the marketing tips that he shares on his blog as they’re sure winners, having been gathered from real-life experience.



hubspot articles

In 2004, a band of MIT graduate students created the HubSpot blog to help their customers with solutions to business problems. Their weekly business blogs about sales and marketing strategies, lead generation and conversion optimization, and customer success are truly invaluable. It boasts of over 2,500 blog posts that can be a goldmine for business information.


Sir Richard Branson

richard_branson articles

Founder of the Virgin fortune, Richard Branson talks about success and failures in his blog. And when a bigwig in the industry talks, everyone should listen. Considered as one of Britain’s most successful entrepreneurs, his blog features articles about his business endeavors and philanthropic projects. Get to know the man when he blogs about his family, a big part of what makes him tick.



techcrunch articles

A highly recommended business blog especially for startups, TechCrunch writers talk about the latest technologies, internet products, news and updates in the business world. This blog is ideal for those in the tech industry or if you’re an entrepreneur who loves the newest gadgets and technology in general. 


LinkedIn Sales Solutions

linkedin articles

The world’s largest network for businesses and the people in it, LinkedIn has a blog, LinkedIn Sales Solutions. It has content about sales strategies and solutions that are relevant to any type of business. It features articles on different techniques on social selling, themes, trends, and updates.


Duct Tape Marketing

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Much like its namesake, Duct Tape Marketing blog offers many helpful uses—SEO knowhow, online marketing strategies, improved keyword research, lead generation, advertising, and so much more. The blog features articles written by industry experts and guest posts by business VIPs. They have eBooks that you can download all for free!



zendesk articles

The Zendesk blog is all about customer service. Providing good customer service is essential in any business wanting to stay afloat in a sea of competition. The writers of Zendesk discuss topics such as how to get your customers to leave you feedback or how you can provide them the best support system. Technology and its impact on customer relations are also some of the topics that you’ll find in this blog. In addition, they have a library of customer service management articles that you can use as references.


Fast Company

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With articles revolving around the business world, the Fast Company blog has one of the widest readerships in the industry. It has a magazine counterpart that publishes 8 print issues per year and is read by over 3 million people. This business blog focuses on technology and design. It features trendsetters and influencers, strategies for good entrepreneurship, and case studies that you can learn so much from. The design has a visual appeal that completes its beauty and brawns image.

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