
Humans have been writing since time immemorial. It is estimated that writing was invented in 3200 BC. This only proves that writing is enjoyable as well as a necessary activity in our everyday lives. But for professional writers and those thinking of having a career in writing, it is more than taking pleasure in it. Writing for fun means not caring about who reads your piece. On the other hand, content writing for SEO requires focus and attention. You have to have your written work placed in front of your target audience. 


What is Content Writing for SEO? 

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Search Engine Optimization or SEO is all about ranking your website to make it more visible to searchers. With 62.19 billion visits in 2019, Google is considered to be the most visited website. And with the number of eCommerce businesses competing against each other, an estimated 12 to 24 million eCommerce sites across the globe, how can you stand out? 

Thus, the need for content writing for SEO. You need to consider factors such as keyword search and link building to make your content compelling. While it is different from writing for fun, it doesn’t mean it can be enjoyable. 


The Difference Between Content Writing for Fun and Content Writing for SEO 

We see people creating blogs to write for fun all the time. It’s a way to put out their thoughts for the world to see. But content writing for SEO is a whole different ball game. Here are the differences between the two: 


The Purpose 

Content writing for fun means you get to write whatever topic you want. You only have yourself to please, and if there are those that love what you write, then that’s just a bonus. The purpose of your writing revolves mainly on the premise that you want to express your thoughts and opinions. 

Content writing for SEO means you have a purpose in mind. The goal is to write a piece that readers or potential customers will like. You want to drive traffic to your website and possibly increase readership, which can eventually turn into conversions. 

While content writing for fun aims to convey a personal message, content writing for SEO is more business-related. 


The Length 

The idea of writing for fun is to say what you want in a creative way, no matter the length. It can be as short as two sentences or a whole text with enough pages to fill an ebook. When you’re writing for fun, you don’t care how long or short your piece will be. It has to fulfill the need to get your message across. 

For content writing for SEO, the higher the word count is, the better it will rank in searches. A thousand words or more will be enough, but mind you, quality is still a deciding factor. Nobody wants to read a lengthy article that doesn’t bring value. 


The Quality 

When writing content for fun, it’s quite easy to get away with low-quality writing. Tiny flaws in grammar and spelling can be forgiven as long as the content is engaging. It’s the heart of the topic that matters. 

On the contrary, content writing for SEO must have the highest quality in grammar, spelling, and coherence. A study on online purchasing and browsing habits tells us that 59% of people won’t use a company whose site included poor grammar. If you want your writing to effectively sell your business, make sure that your content is of the highest quality. 


The Benefits of Content Writing with SEO 

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A well-crafted, SEO constructed article can mean the difference between being ignored and boosting readership. The right choice of keywords, as well as their strategic placement, can drive traffic to your site and these benefits to your business: 

  • A search engine optimized content can provide information that entices visitors to stay longer on your website and find what they are looking for. 
  • Engaging articles that rank high in search engines mean you can turn viewers into paying customers. A survey shows that 93% of online experiences start with a search engine. This is crucial as another study shows that 81% of people do some research before making a purchase. This means that you need to be on top to be seen, and you need good quality articles to convert them.
  • Content writing with SEO can be one of the inexpensive forms of marketing. Make it count by using the best practices to have your content rank higher. 


Common SEO Practices for Writing 


Here are the most common SEO practices you need to know when content writing for SEO: 


Add Keywords to Your Content 

Using relevant keywords do help your website rank higher. But to make it more powerful, add your keywords early on in your content. Place your keyword at least once on the top of your content. Throughout your article, there is a debate about which keyword density is the best. But as a general rule, four keywords per every thousand words would be sufficient. More than that would be considered keyword stuffing. 


Write Uniquely  

Whether it’s the title, description, or content body, make sure they’re unique. Google wants you to avoid writing duplicate content, so you need to make sure that yours is one-of-a-kind. This also helps in making your website stand out from the competition. 


Write a Killer Headline 

A mere 20% of people read an article until the end. Before having someone read your article, you have to make them notice it first. When you write a killer headline, you’ll likely have a higher chance of getting their attention. Ensure that when your title promises a good read, you have to follow through. 


SEO Plugins and Tools to Use 

To help you in your content writing for SEO tasks, there are plugins and tools you can use. Here are some of the most useful in the industry: 


Final Thoughts 

Content writing for fun is definitely a world apart from content writing for SEO. When you want your content to help your website to rank, you need attention, focus, and thoughtful planning. Leave the content writing for SEO to the professionals. 

Content Fuel is an unlimited content and blog writing service. For a flat monthly subscription fee, you can send as many requests for content as you want. Our team of writers understands the importance of having your website rank through quality content. Contact us today.

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