
Written words are important not just for individuals but most especially for companies. When done correctly, it can create an impact and can even generate sales for the business. That’s why it is not surprising that organizations hire good writers. The question now is, who do you think should you hire? You see, there are different types of writers. But in this post, we’ll talk about the copywriter vs content writer differences. We’ll dissect their roles, tasks where you can specifically use their expertise, and which one would best fit your business needs.


Copywriter vs Content Writer

Over the years, people have mistakenly used the term copywriter for a content writer, and vice versa. Most of us believe that these two are the same. While both positions obviously require writing, they differ much on the objectives. 

Just to give you an idea, copywriters tend to persuade readers. It’s a concise form of writing where the main goal is to encourage readers to take the next action. As for the content writers, their primary objective is to inform and educate the readers. It is usually longer because the writeups are intended to become resource materials. 

Let’s discuss what a copywriter vs content writer is separately so that we will be able to further understand and appreciate each concept. 


The Role of Copywriters 

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Allow us to give you a bit of history about copywriters. During the earlier stage of commerce, print advertising already existed. It was the company’s way of introducing their brand, and of course, it was a show of authority and power. There were no television sets and radios at that time. To be ahead of the game, your written words must be extremely captivating yet short enough to be read in one glance. Think about billboards and posters. The final output is then called a ‘copy’.


Where To Use Copywriting

With the birth of e-commerce or the internet in general, copywriting can now be used on different channels. We already mentioned billboards and posters. However, there are still more avenues where you can put a great copy into good use. Here are a few:


Brochures and Catalogs 

We know that brochures are generally text-heavy. But you also have to place great copies to break huge text blocks. In addition, a copy can highlight your organization’s primary message. In a brochure, a copy can be amplified by using bigger fonts or a striking color.   

Newspaper Advertisements 

While newspapers today aren’t as popular as before, there is still a good amount of market that reads it regularly. Now, if your company will place a newspaper advertisement, you have to maximize the space. Apart from an intriguing image, you need a strong copy that can support your graphics. 

Email Newsletters 

Long emails are rarely read. If your company is sending email newsletters, you have to make use of a good copy. This is a great tool to make your readers pause for a while and read the entirety of your email. 

Scripts for TV, Video, or Radio 

Placing advertisements on TV and radio can be costly and are paid by the second. That’s the reason why you have to hire a good copywriter for advertisements. They can write short scripts that can effectively encapsulate your brand message. 


Speaking of brand messages, taglines are done by copywriters as well. While it is extremely short and sometimes consists of one sentence, it needs to create an impact and stand out. 

Social Media Posts 

And of course, copywriting can be used in social media posts. It can be placed on the images itself or in the caption. Social media also requires shorter texts as online users automatically scroll down if they perceive your post as uninteresting. 


The Role of Content Writers 

frustrated writer

In a stricter context, content writers are those who work on online content. They produce longer write-ups that are informative, educational, and entertaining. Having said that, content writers must spend ample time doing research. They cannot just write based solely on their opinion. It has to be backed up by facts and statistics. 


Where To Use Content Writing 

There are so many places where you can take advantage of quality content writing. Below is a quick list of projects that you can assign to your writers:


Blog Posts 

Even big brands are already creating their own blog pages. This has become a trend, most especially to rank on search engines and to maintain customer engagement. Now, a blog content writer must also know how to look at different angles. Writing common topics will not be as effective compared to an article written using a fresh perspective.  

Website Content and Product Description 

Another task that you can assign to a content writer is your website content and product descriptions. One must be able to effectively summarize your products and services. Good content gives enough information but leaves room for your readers to ask for more. That’s where you can get your leads.  

In addition, your website must be free from grammar and spelling errors. You might think that these things are not substantial. However, according to Agility PR Solutions, a website that has bad grammar can lose more clients than those with refined web content.  

Emails and Newsletters 

Writing emails and newsletters are crucial tasks for content writers. You might think that you only have to focus on the body of your email. Thing is, you have to work on your subject line too. In fact, this is considered the trickiest part. It would be ideal if you work with professional content writers to help you compose the perfect emails and newsletters.   


Brochures are generally informative. Thus, your content writer must be knowledgeable about the industry including the market. This is so he or she can adjust the writing style or tone depending on the readers. 


E-books are also an effective marketing tool. A lot of companies send free e-books to gain traction. A professional is needed if you want one for your company. Imagine the effort, time, and research needed to create something extremely valuable for your market. 


Business Proposals and Sales Pitch 

Your business proposal should sound professional yet endearing enough depending on your recipient. Is it for your client, is it for investors, is it for advertisers? Again, your content writer will not just work on the project right away. He or she will ask first about your market. From there, they will tailor-fit the approach so that your business proposal will be more effective. 

Over the years, a lot of people claim that they are content writers. Sadly, most of their articles do not provide value to the readers. Obviously, they write for the sake of SEO alone. This means that their articles are filled with keywords without considering the style and readability. But to be an effective writer, one should know how to maintain value while subtly adding necessary keywords.  

Now, if you are looking for a content writer, it is with great importance that you check your applicant’s previous articles or write-ups. It would be better if they have already written for different industries. That way, they know the best writing style effective for your business. 


What to Look for a Copywriter and Content Writer 

While copywriters and content writers have different expertise, there are common qualities that you have to look for when hiring one. Of course, one must have a good grasp of grammar. That’s a no-brainer. But what are the other things you need to consider? Our quick list might help you:

  • Impressive research skills 
  • Can proofread one’s work 
  • An amazing storyteller 
  • Ability to change writing style depending on the client 
  • Has basic knowledge of SEO 
  • Creative 
  • Open to feedback 
  • Meets deadline 
  • Has a positive disposition



Copywriter vs content writer, is there really a battle? Truth be told, there is none. Both are important to your business. What you need to do however is to identify the channels and marketing materials you are going to use. That way, you can decide if you will hire a copywriter or a content writer. 

Fortunately, there are some who can do both. They are creative enough to write short yet interesting copies, and they are also diligent to create longer content. Hiring these types of flexible writers is apparently more logical. Speaking of which, Content Fuel hires the best copywriters and content writers that can help you with your business. 

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