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You could be an aspiring journalist aiming to publish a ground-breaking investigative report or a freelance writer dreaming of having international magazines pick up your feature story. But before you could even get a shot at having top editors read your piece, it’s essential to learn how to write a pitch for an article.

According to statistics, television is still the primary source of news for many people, with 4 out of 10 Americans opting to watch current events on the tube. However, online news resources come in second. Having 3 out of 10 Americans turning to the internet for information about the latest happenings.

Online news sources have become more popular than radio, consumed by 14% of respondents, and print, which came in last with 7%.

Whether you’re pitching an article to an online news and magazine website, a blogging platform, or a print publication, here are some of the things you need to know to come up with a solid proposal.  

Different Types of Articles You Can Pitch

article and images on magazine

There are various types of articles you can pitch, depending on your expertise and interests. Readers’ needs and preferences are also significant considerations. 

Investigative Report

Writing an investigative report involves a lot of elbow grease. You’ll need to have reliable sources with first-hand knowledge or experience about the issue. Plus, a sufficient input from experts who are well-versed about the matter. 

An investigative pitch should present an unprecedented angle. No editor will approve the proposal if it’s relatively similar to reports previously published by the news platform or by its competitors.

News Article

Proposing a news article involves being transparent with the basics of the story, particularly the 5Ws and 1H. These are the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the story. Just like investigative reports, a news article should have a unique angle. Or at least a new development to it to differentiate it from previously published pieces. Aside from the content of the article, it could also help if news writing skills are displayed in the pitch. 

Freelance reporter Jack Watling, in an interview with International Journalists’ Network, advises aspiring freelance journalists to keep the story focused, indicate primary sources, and include logistical and technical details in the pitch to up its chances of getting approved.  


Whether you’re pitching an opinion piece or an insight blog centered around a current event, it’s essential to prove to the editor that the essay is something worth reading. Your pitch should paint what kind of essay the publication gets if they approve it. Will the piece be heartwarming or humorous? Will it encourage readers to ponder on their lives? The essence of the article should be evident in the proposal. 

This pitch Lisa Rabasca Roepe for a piece published on Quartz. It shows a confident and convincing outline that lead to the approval of her proposal.


A lot of people turn to the internet for information they need. In fact, statistics tell us that Google searches reach up to 3.5 billion every day. Pitching an article that could serve as a practical guide for readers can be an excellent opportunity to be published. 

When creating a How-To article proposal, it’s vital to highlight what makes you an expert or at least knowledgeable about the topic in the first place. If you don’t have a personal experience with the matter, at least lay down reliable sources and references which would guide you around the issue.

Dos and Don’ts 

Dos and Don’ts is an article format that aims to present information creatively. It’s aimed at readers familiar with the subject but are looking for more guidance on threading their way around it.

Most Dos and Don’ts articles become an excellent opportunity for advertisement. Make the pitch attractive to the editorial team as well as the publication’s marketing department. Keep the tips generic and don’t focus on particular products or brands. This would make it easier to place any relevant ad on your article without branding conflicts.

Personality Profile 

If you’re interested in telling stories about personalities, it’s a must to learn how to write a pitch for an article that focuses on people. Personality profiles are more than just literary pieces meant to put a celebrity or politician in the best light. This format is often used to highlight the efforts and achievements of ordinary people who go through extraordinary ordeals for a higher purpose.

Tips to Get Your Article Published in Article Pitching

Creating a pitch doesn’t mean you have to enumerate every detail of the article. Editors don’t have a lot of time on their hands. You want your article pitch to pack a punch and get the editor to say “YES.” Before we get to the elements that go into article pitching, here’s a great example for Men’s Journal Online:

article pitch example

This article pitch is short and succinct. It has three paragraphs and contains 263 words in total. The content gets straight to the point implying that the writer has done a bit of research both on the proposed topic and the digital magazine as well. However, the way the proposal is presented is warm, intelligent, and concise. 

Now, when you’re ready to write your article pitch, don’t forget to include these tips:

Keep it succinct

Taking inspiration from the article pitch above, succinctness is vital when proposing an article idea. Editors don’t want to read a long summary of a particular idea. You don’t want to connect with editors unprepared, so ensure that you do research on the topic first as well as the website. 

Although experts say that the article pitch length will depend on the industry or topic, it’s best to keep it around 400. As for the number of paragraphs, try breaking it up into two to four paragraphs, keeping each paragraph 100 to 150 words. 

Finally, make sure that the entire structure is laid out in an organized way. Present a clear idea to hook editors and get them to publish your article. 

Stick to an organized format

As mentioned, the structure of the article pitch should be straightforward. You don’t want to jump from one idea to another. Some experts suggest to use the four-paragraph format:

  • Lead. Editors aren’t hired as editors for nothing. They have years of experience under their belts and have probably read hundreds of articles in their lifetime. Don’t bore them with a mundane introduction. You want to capture their attention with a “lead.” The introduction should be something that piques their interest. 
  • Why. The next paragraph should be about why you should write the article. In this section, you can explain why this article idea will garner more readers of the channel. If you’ve researched their website, find some similar articles and pinpoint how you can add more value in yours.
  • Interviews. If you’re interviewing industry experts or celebrities for this article, make sure to let the editor know. There’s nothing like an important interview that can make the article more credible.
  • Expertise. The final paragraph should be about why you must write the article. Why you and why not others? Show them a portfolio of your previous cornerstone articles. Better yet, showcase your credibility and professionalism by mentioning your experience in the industry.

Think of a Catchy Title

The title that you provide could be as good as a working title and could be revised before it’s published. However, it’s essential to have a catchy article title from the get-go. Just as headlines have the potential to attract readers to click on a story, pitch titles can either spark the interest of editors or dismiss it right away. 

Create valuable and compelling content

Publications pick up articles that would potentially increase their readers. Each story must be compelling. Readers should be willing to spend a few minutes of their precious time to know what the article has to say. It’s crucial to be clear with your piece’s central argument and cite sufficient data to support it.

But despite the need to prove that your article is compelling, resist the urge to go overboard. Most editors don’t have the time to go through pages and pages of data and information. Keep the pitch brief and concise while still keeping the fundamental pieces of information. 

Proofread Your Pitch

Last, but one of the most critical components of how to write a pitch for an article – proofread your material. Submit a pitch peppered with typos and grammatical errors, and the editor would throw it down the trash bin even before getting to the second paragraph. Worse, the publication might remember you for submitting a haphazardly-prepared pitch and might not even bother opening your proposal the next time. Re-read your piece, double-check, and proofread before hitting the send button.

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