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Content marketing has never been seen as more compelling than it is now. Statistics show that 42% of B2B marketers consider it as effective in their marketing strategies. Whether your goal is to generate more sales, inform your customers about a new product, or simply position your brand as an industry leader, content is the way to go. One of the best ways to use marketing tactics is through written content. Your customers will be getting something from you even before they start buying. This will help build their trust and gain you awareness for your brand.


Writing as Marketing Tactics

employee typing marketing tactics

As with all consumers, product quality is the top criteria when making decisions on what to buy. Your content has to be substantial and not just there to gain a high ranking in the search results game. You can write all the blog posts that you can but if they don’t address any of your customers’ concerns, conversion rates will still be low.

Content that is valuable, shareable, and high-quality will do your company a lot of good. It can make you stand out, build awareness for your brand, earn prospects’ trust, gain customers’ loyalty, and increase your revenues. Here are a few marketing tactics you can use whether you’re just starting out or adding more to your existing ones.



Write content with the purpose of engaging with your customers and prospects. Think social media posts, blogs, or surveys where you can ask them for feedback. This will make them feel valued as you’re giving them the chance to be heard.

When people engage with you, others will see your company as someone they can reach out to. This will make them think of your company as made up of humans and not robots. They will also appreciate you for providing them with useful information that can make their lives easier.



When customers leave you good feedback or positive reviews, don’t hesitate to use them as part of your marketing tactics. Include them on your website’s home page, signup page, or social media platforms for all the world to see. A happy customer can be a good indicator to prospects that your products or services can be good for them as well.

Your company becomes more legit in the eyes of potential customers that can greatly help in the conversion process. It can remove the doubts of the skeptics, especially if what you’re offering is something new to the market. Not only will this do good for your business, but this will also boost everyone’s morale.


Case Studies

Much like testimonials, case studies are good to add to your website. They also build trust and add authority to your brand. Prospects can see how your product or service can help them and answer all possible questions they may have about your business.

You can write an article as a follow up to further explain how your customers can use your product, citing the case study as an example. This can help you expound more and write about other possibilities that can introduce more ways how your brand can improve your customers’ lives.



Advocacy marketing tactics involve having your existing customers speak to others about your brand. A study shows that 84% of consumers do not trust advertisements anymore and instead, rely on third-party validation. They make their purchasing decisions after hearing from “normal” people like themselves.

You can do this by having your most satisfied customers write your content for you. Ask them to write their good experiences about your business and in turn, you can give them discounts or other tokens of your appreciation. 


Email Blasts

Your email mailing list is more useful to your marketing tactics than you previously believed it to be. The people on that list are those that signed up because they have shown interest in your brand. This is an untapped source of prospects that you most likely ignored.

Compose that email about your latest products or connect with them through an article that you think can benefit them. Let them know what’s the latest happenings, the newest blogs you published, or any updates that they shouldn’t be missing out on.


Endorsement via Influencing

Get someone to endorse your brand and introduce them via your website or social media platforms. You know your audience better than anyone else, so get the influencer that your market truly looks up to. Create an ad or a web page dedicated solely to what the influencer has to say to give emphasis to their endorsement.

You can also email people on your database and let them know about this by providing a link to the influencer’s website. You may want to give the influencer the power to grant their fans and followers with discount cards or vouchers to add excitement to this strategy.


Blog Posts

Publish blog posts regularly. This is one of the cheapest marketing tactics you can use even with little technical know-how. You can write your own content or have someone write them for you. But the bottom line is, all content should focus on giving quality information to your readers.

When your readers find your blog posts educational or entertaining, you won’t have to worry about optimizing it. People would flock to articles that they enjoy reading and those that entertain them. When they get the information they need from your website, they’ll see you as someone worth their time and business.


Write For Others

Find websites that can complement your business and ask them if you can write for them. Create articles and pitch it to them along with links to your own website. Guest blogging is common nowadays so you wouldn’t have a hard time looking for sites to write for.

Writing for an authoritative blog can increase your follower count, boost engagement, and help with your lead generation efforts. When you write for others, it’s practically the same as getting them to validate you. They get written content for free while giving you the exposure you need.

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