
Before you hire a press release writer, it would be of great help to know how to write one. Plus, you must also understand what traits you need to look for. That way, you can easily trim down the candidates and be able to work with the right person. 

But before we dive in, let’s have a quick rundown why working with a good press release writer is still relevant nowadays. One, media outlets naturally have a wider reach than companies and brands. If your writer can provide a compelling piece and media outlets started to run it on their pages, you get instant brand awareness. Two, it could also boost your SEO ranking which we all know is important for a business with an online presence. And of course, it’s also good for the business’ image. Remember, words and media are extremely powerful. If you use both to your advantage, it can positively affect your company.


Writing an Effective Press Release to Win Media 

what when who where why

For those who are still not familiar with the structure of a press release, then you could use the simple format below. It will make things easier for you, and at the same time, you get to provide the essential information that media outlets commonly require. 



Your headline makes or breaks your press release. It is the first thing that journalists see and if it isn’t exciting enough, then it will go straight to the trash. A press release writer should know how to create a headline that can instantly grab attention. It must be newsworthy and should directly explain what the press release is all about. 

Never write a clickbait headline as it is deemed unprofessional and could potentially turn off your readers in the long run. You can be clever with your words but never mislead anyone. When writing a headline, take note of the following: 

  • Imagine writing for a front-page title 
  • Stick with active voice   
  • Highlight data or facts if possible 
  • Write your headline after you finished the story 


Location and Date 

You must also include where and when the event or news is going to take place. There’s no special requirement for this. Just be straightforward, clear, and you are good to go. 



Like your headline, your press release should be perfect as well. When we say perfect, it needs to summarize why your content is newsworthy. The challenge here though is that you need to write these in just one paragraph. Usually, this is around 35 – 50 words only. This means, you always have to pick the best angle and words that can spark an interest.  

When a press release writer creates the lead, it should cover the main points of the story. Plus, you have to make the readers more curious so that they will want to read more. A great tactic that you can use is to answer the 5Ws or the who, what, when, where, and why. 

Other writers take a different approach, and it can work as well depending on your story. You can start your lead with a question or with a controversial statement. These are less conservative approaches, and we recommend doing this only when you are used to writing press releases.   



This is where a press release writer provides information in more detail. Remember, you have to arrange the information by its level of importance. The most crucial ones should be found on the top. 

One of the most challenging parts for new writers is that they tend to write fluff. It’s harder to make ideas more concise, and you will end up with a long and winding press release. This is not advisable. Take note that media outlets receive tons of press releases every day. If yours is too long to read and has a lot of unnecessary statements, don’t be surprised if you will not cut it. 

You can also add quotes from your leadership team to add weight to your press release. 



Boilerplate is where you explain what your company is all about. You add this towards the end of your press release. This doesn’t have to be lengthy as well but often has the following information: 

  • Information of the person quoted in the body 
  • Brief history of the company
  • Other statistical data 
  • Related links and articles   


Contact Details 

When writing contact details, make sure that it has complete information, including your phone, email, Skype, and even LinkedIn. This way, the journalist can reach out to you using a platform that they are accustomed to.  

Now that you know what a perfect press release looks like, you can ask your applicants to write a sample and use this as a guide when cross-checking. See if they are familiar with the format and if they know the right tone and style.


Traits of a Good Press Release Writer

man confused

The technical skills are always necessary when hiring a press release writer. But that is not the only trait that you should consider. 


Attention to Detail

Press releases are based on facts. And that is why a press release writer must ensure that all the information is correct. They should have a keen eye for detail. The dates, location, and even the name of the key persons should be free from error.  


Communication Skills 

Excellent communication skills are also required. While the bulk of work is about written words, your press release writer must be able to communicate with the team efficiently. This could avoid further confusion and misunderstandings when relaying instructions.  


Sends Projects on Time 

Press releases must be submitted and published at the right time. It’s a part of an overall marketing strategy that needs to be completed precisely according to plan. Just to try to imagine if you sent a press release on short notice. You will lose a lot of opportunities to reach more people. And this can substantially affect the response on your announcement or events. 

Make sure that your press release writer is fast enough to write content but without jeopardizing quality. 


Final Thoughts 

Writing press releases, while using a straightforward approach, is challenging to accomplish. You need to be succinct and carefully pick words that would create an impact. This is not a task which novice writers can handle. You want to hire professional press release writers that have vast industry experience. At Content Fuel, our team can help you write press releases, and we make sure that these are of top-notch quality and will be delivered on time. 

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