woman writing web copy

In today’s digital world, a business’ website is one of its most significant assets. Through it, a venture lays out its story, strengthens its brand identity, and fosters a community of supporters. Aside from website design and images, website copywriting is one of the most crucial components of a compelling site. Just how important is copywriting, and what are the top tips to make it work for your brand? Read on to find out.


The Importance of Excellent Copywriting

person typing for website copywriting

In a contributed article for Entrepreneur, Kick-Ass Copywriting in 10 Easy Steps author Susan Gunelius emphasized just how vital writing sales-oriented copy is.

One of her top tips is to know your audience when crafting a website copy.

“Evaluate your customers and put together a demographic profile of your most valuable customer,” Gunelius suggests. 

By knowing who your website visitors would be, you can make your copy tailored to fit your audiences’ needs. By reading texts they can relate to, viewers would be engaged and more receptive to the idea of learning more about your brand as well as your products or services.


Top 7 Website Copywriting Tips For Every Business

website copy on laptop

Here are seven tips to keep in mind when crafting copies for your business web page.


1. Active Voice is the Way to Go

Writing teachers would typically advise their students to use an active voice instead of a passive one for compositions. This guideline is especially applicable for business-related materials, including corporate letters as well as marketing and advertising copies. 

Though a few unique situations might justify using passive voice, active voice is the standard route to take in website copywriting. 

Using an active voice expresses that the subject does the action, instead of the action just happening to the subject. This technique makes every sentence sound a lot more powerful, which is vital when you’re trying to get your audience to engage with the brand. Check out this article on Business Facebook Post Ideas To Increase Engagement 


2. Make Copies Easy to Skim

The internet has made everything a lot easier – from paying bills and making purchases to researching random information and connecting with other people.

Unfortunately, having everything available with just a few taps on smartphones has made people a lot impatient more than ever before.

That said, you couldn’t expect every reader to go through paragraphs after paragraphs of an article uncomplainingly. 

A better way to write a copy is to make it easy to skim by including subheadings and creating listicles instead of producing a massive chunk of text. This way, readers could glide over the copy and move on to the next part in case they don’t relate to some components. 


3. Use Simple Words

The best way to lose your readers’ interest is to sprinkle copies with jargon and corporate speak.

Even if you’re talking to a specific niche or audience segment, using big words in their respective industries might not be the best idea. You wouldn’t want to sound pompous, or worse, confusing. 

Using jargon also runs the risk of alienating potential prospects who aren’t familiar with the terms. The key is to use simple, uncomplicated words that wouldn’t confuse the audience. All copies should express the message in the most straightforward way possible. 


4. Create Copies That are Painless to Digest

Just like writing a resume, an article should present its main points in the most precise and most straightforward way. By doing so, readers can get a picture of what the copy is all about in a glance. Check out this article on 10 Effective Tips on How to Write a Simple Resume

One way to create a copy that’s easy to digest is to make it sound like a conversation. However, since different audience segments talk differently, it’s still significant to go back to audience demographics and psychographics.

How does your audience talk and what do they talk about? Using slang words, for example, might make a copy for millennials and Gen Z a lot stronger and more relatable. While using the same words to talk to Baby Boomers might not create the same effect.


5. Go For Positive Language

There are instances when negative language creates impact for a copy. However, using too much of these words might create a subliminal negative image. Not just for a single copy, but for the entire brand itself.

One way to avoid negative language is to rephrase it and use positive words instead.

For example, instead of saying, “don’t eat unhealthy food,” you can rephrase it and say “eat healthier.” It delivers the same message without sounding pessimist, cynical, and restricting.


6. Complement Text with Images 

According to statistics, more than 95 million photos are being uploaded on social media platforms every day. Social media usage has trained netizens to stop scrolling and pay attention only when they see an exciting and compelling image. Undeniably, images are crucial in making compelling website copies. Check out this article on 7 Facebook Post Ideas For Every Day Of The Week

Most online copies come to life when there are relevant images incorporated into it. If you’re out of original photos and find stock photos too common, other images such as commissioned illustrations can add a whole lot of zest into a material.

Another way to creatively present information with minimal text and compelling images is through infographics. This can help improve cognition by utilizing visual elements to explain data.


7. Tell an Interesting Story

Website copywriting involves telling your brand’s story one material at a time. 

Creating substantial copies always goes back to having a solid branding identity. With a definite business personality in mind, copywriters can craft every composition following the best traits of the venture, as well as the feelings that it wants to elicit from its target audience.

Despite the need to create a brand story that sparks interest and sustains attention, it’s also essential to keep it honest and sincere. Fabricating lies can make a brand look pretentious and unreliable, which could result in customers questioning the business’ credibility.


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