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Marketers and entrepreneurs are amping their content marketing strategies and for a good reason. Recent studies show that content marketing is an effective way to increase a brand’s ROI. And it’s no surprise why 60 percent of B2C marketers have a content strategy in their arsenal. But behind all the success of content writing, there is a professional content writer. And if you’re looking for writing help online, we’ll tell you the best resource to help your brand scale. 

Content Fuel is an on-demand content writing help online that you can count on. The unique business structure means a contract does not bind you. And this content writing service is your best bet when creating quality content. 

But if you’re still not sold on starting your content strategy, we’ll tell you five benefits of content writing services.


1. Quality and better content

Not a lot of people can write. And if you want to skimp on your content writing strategy, expect subpar results as well. When building a marketing approach, you have to spend money to earn money. And that’s why it’s better to hire writing help online.

These online content writing services have stringent hiring processes, choosing the most experienced and skilled writers. They take into account most, if not, all of these qualities in a content writer:

  • Communication skills
  • Proofreading and editing skills
  • Flair for storytelling
  • Research proficiency
  • Unique personality
  • Adaptability
  • Social media expertise
  • SEO knowledge
  • Perseverance
  • Time management skills

When hiring content writing services, you no longer have to search for a writer who has all these qualities. The company vouches for the writers since day one. And letting the professionals do it will return better results than entrusting this task to newbie writers. 


2. Invigorate old content

Some of the best content ideas are already on your website. Sometimes, you just have to revisit your blog and check which ones are the best, evergreen content that you can transform. This is called “repurposing content.” It is the process of turning old content and giving it new life by creating different media versions. 

Professional writing help online can achieve that. That’s because they know the industry trends, techniques, and practices. So, they have the power to invigorate old content. 

copyblogger slideshare

An example is Copyblogger’s smart decision to turn one of their evergreen blogs posts titled “The 3-Step Journey of a Remarkable Piece of Content” into a more easily digestible SlideShare presentation. To date, the newly revamped presentation garnered over 38,000 views. 


3. SEO-friendly for search engines

SEO or Search Engine Optimization works hand in hand with content writing. Without integrating strategic SEO techniques, your content will never rank on the search engine’s first pages. And mind you, SEO is an esoteric concept, and non-marketing people don’t even know how to jumpstart SEO strategies. Here’s an infographic explaining the steps in SEO and content marketing:


With content writing help online services, rest assured that companies don’t bring inexperienced writers onboard their teams. Asking if they have SEO experience would probably be one of the first questions asked during the interview. 

In a nutshell, SEO needs these crucial elements to rank content on the search engine’s first pages:

  • Keyword research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Audience analysis
  • Meta descriptions
  • H1, H2, H3, H4 tags
  • Slug/URL
  • Image alt text
  • Keyword density
  • Compelling title
  • Content structure
  • Link building
  • Anchor texts
  • Authority sites

If you’re very familiar with these terms, then, by all means, try creating an SEO-friendly blog. But if you don’t even know how to conduct keyword research, then it’s best to leave all these vital tasks to experts.


4. Increase sales and conversions

Writing content that is valuable, relevant, and entertaining can up your chances of reaching your audience. Although Google’s algorithms are always updating, the best gauge for high-ranking content is value and relevance. After all, you’re not writing to robots, always remember that you’re writing to humans. So write in a way that speaks the human language. 

When your blogs rank, your brand can boost online presence, and many audiences will see your brand as well. Here’s a snippet of a Visual Capitalist infographic showing some content marketing statistics and how it helps businesses:


Overall, the more you rank on the first pages of search engines, the more people will notice you. And if you’ve got compelling content, then there’s a higher chance people will flock to your site and purchase your products.


5. Free up a lot of your time

Entrepreneurs and marketers have a lot on their plates, which is why they need the best writing help online. Writing is a time-consuming process. Sometimes, you run out of ideas, or more often than, you won’t even know where to start.

The upper hand of subscribing to content writing services is that they have several content writers onboard. That means clients will always have fresh content, perspectives, and different writing styles. 

Moreover, when you delegate the writing task to a content writing service, you can go full-force with marketing your content. And focusing on advertising your content will scale your brand even more. 


Content Fuel: Best Writing Help Online Service

When looking for the best writing help online service, make sure they offer quality, efficiency, reliability, and affordability. All these four characteristics can be hard to find in one company. 

For one, freelancers may offer affordability but not quality and reliability. Secondly, agencies undeniably vouch for the quality but may not be in your price range. One type of content writing service with all of these is an on-demand content writing service like Content Fuel. 

With Content Fuel, you go through five steps from requesting content, revising, and approving:

  • Submit content request
  • Assigned to qualified writers and wait for the first draft in 48 to 72 hours
  • Communicate with designers about the piece
  • Review and ask revisions
  • Approve

Moreover, Content Fuel’s budget-friendly pricing plans are suitable for every business level. Here’s a look at their plans and inclusions:


Now that you know there’s an easier, simpler, and more affordable way to get content from professionals, start creating your content strategy. Don’t be left behind and ensure that you go neck and neck with your competitors online. Sign up and get started now!

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