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Writing is an essential skill. You practically need it every single day and that is why you need a good writing process. We need the skill for responding to an important email, sending proposals, contracts, or to build brands among many others. However, only a few people are good at it or at least try to. Most choose not to write at all, thinking it’s too hard and time-consuming. But that’s actually far from the truth. You see, even if there are amazing writing teams such as Content Fuel to do the task for you, learning how to write on your own is beneficial both personally and professionally. According to experts, when you know how to write clearly, that also means you could organize your thoughts methodically.

Benefits of Writing 

If you are not convinced that writing skills are important, then we have a number of reasons for you: 

  • You can clearly communicate your thoughts and this avoids conflict. 
  • It makes you more productive as you don’t have to heavily rely on experts to do the job for you. 
  • You get to learn more because you are compelled to read more. 

Best Writing Process for Beginners 

writer essentials

It’s time to stop thinking that writing is hard. If you believe you need some improvement on this particular skill, then we have a practical guide on how to write. All you need right now is the will to learn and the rest will eventually follow. 

Read a Variety of Materials, Be Observant 

First of all, you cannot write properly if you do not read or do not make yourself aware of your surroundings. You need to get as much information as you can. Now, make it a habit to read every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s a magazine, online articles, business news, or scientific research. The most important thing is that you give yourself a strong foundation by learning a lot of different things. In the long run, it will be easier to explain complex things as you can associate or relate them with other simpler concepts. 

Expand Your Vocabulary 

The next step in the writing process is to improve your vocabulary. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be profound all the time, or that you have to use hifalutin words. But it’s always good to expand your vocabulary so that when you write, you don’t sound redundant. You can easily play with your words, or adjust your writing depending on your audience. 

Come to think of it, you cannot have the same approach when writing a training module for high school students and adult learners. And that’s where our next step comes in. 

Know Your Readers 

Learning how to write means you also understand what your readers are capable of. It is crucial that you know what language your readers commonly use. Do they use jargon? Are they technical people? Do you need to simplify your style? 

So before you start writing, always ask yourself. Who are my readers? What do they need? What style should I use? From there, you can already create your outline. 

Create an Outline 

There are a lot of ways to create an outline but what we have here is proven to be the most effective and you might want to use it as well:

  • Write down your main topic. 
  • Enumerate the major points you want to highlight. 
  • Look at your list and arrange these major points or subtopics as logically as possible. 
  • Think of transitions after every subtopic.  

Don’t worry if you need to change your outline along the way. What matters most is that you identify what information you need. That takes us to the next step in our writing process – doing research.   

Do Your Research

There is no shortcut in writing, and quality ones can take a lot of time. That’s because it entails research. Sometimes, you also need to immerse yourself in a situation so you can fully understand what you are writing about. Gather as much data as you can and make sure you have a reliable source. Well, of course, we understand that you sometimes need to write your own opinion. But that could only have a real weight or value if your points are backed up with facts. 

Important tip. Avoid plagiarism at all costs. It can definitely ruin your reputation or worse, you might face lawsuits. Always refer back to your source.  

Proofread and Edit Your Work 

Proofread your work and be objective about it. If you need to read it more than twice, then go on. However, try to let it sit for a few hours before reading what you wrote. Don’t proofread it right away because chances are, you might overlook a few errors. Try to rest for a bit and when your mind is already relaxed, then go ahead and read your work. 

We also use this technique wherein you read starting from the last word of your article. Simply put, practice reading backward. This is so you can check spelling errors. Of course, the case is different when you write online as there are tools that can help you proofread easily. Use those to your advantage. Once you are done, then edit your work accordingly. 

Let Others Read It 

If you want to know how to write effectively, then you must be open to constructive criticisms. Whenever you write, make sure that you allow other people to read it first. These can be your family, friends, and colleagues. If they have comments, write it down and improve your work from there. Yes, it can take a lot of time but once you get the hang of it, you’d be surprised to get lesser comments than your previous writing. 

If necessary, go back to your writing table, edit your work, proofread, and let them read again. 

Practice and Be Patient 

And lastly, practice is definitely the key if you want to become better in writing. Make it a habit to write. Start your own blog. Write a journal and be as random as you can. Eventually, all this writing process will come out naturally. You will be surprised if your thought process becomes faster and writing can be a walk in the park. 

Additional Tips to Improve Your Writing Process

writer holding journal

Here are other things you can do to improve your writing skills. 

Work with a Writing Partner 

Have a working partner and try to criticize each other’s work. As they always say, two heads are better than one. You can throw ideas and edit your work based on it.  

Join a Workshop for Writers

It’s never too late to learn new techniques. Feel free to join writing workshops or classes. It doesn’t matter if these classes are specific. For example, you can take scriptwriting classes or business writing workshops. The more techniques you know, the more you are capable of writing various materials. 

Read Your Old Writeups

Another technique on how to write better is to actually revisit your old writeups. Think about your old poem or old composition back in college. Proofread and edit it. Compare both of your works and analyze your progress. 

Why You Need to Follow a Writing Process  

woman holding pen

We understand that some people do not follow a specific writing process. They are more comfortable working randomly. Perhaps they have been doing it for the longest time and can skip a number of steps. If you are one of them, then use that to your advantage. Go on, write more, and share your thoughts. 

Yet again, most people are not used to writing. Thus, the guide above is beneficial. It helps us be more organized and we can be more efficient. For example, writing an outline eliminates the need to read thousands of materials that you won’t necessarily use. This is important especially if you are working on a tight deadline.   


Learning how to write has a lot of benefits and you should be willing and determined to hone that skill. But remember, it isn’t an overnight success and you need to practice it as regularly as you can. 

Now, for your urgent writing needs, you can always reach out to Content Fuel. They have a team of professional writers who are experienced in various writing types and processes. 

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