Being a writer can be rewarding and harrowing at the same time. There are days when words flow like water in a steady stream without much effort. While other days leave you desperately fumbling for words, you can’t form a decent sentence. Either way, working to improve your writing skills can help you produce better results. By improving writing habits, you can train yourself to think more creatively, express your thoughts clearer, and get your message across in a more effective manner.
In this article, we’ll discuss ways on how to become a better writer. We’ll also tackle exercises to improve writing fluency and review tips to overcome writer’s block. So get your paper and pen and get ready to take notes on writing better pieces.
The importance of writing skills isn’t restricted to writers by profession or artists whose medium of choice is the written word. Whatever your line of work is, you’ll most likely have to express yourself in writing. For example, many adults find themselves having to compose a speech for an occasion. Others may need to create a pitch for a project, write a memo at work, or pitch for an article.
Indeed, acquiring writing skills lets you organize your ideas and translate them into a form that readers can easily digest. It gives you a chance to let other people view the situation from your perspective. And in the same vein, it provides an opportunity to foster the spirit of community by sharing emotions and advancing causes.
Here are a few steps to take if you’re serious about improving your writing fluency.
Just as you have to be a good listener to be a good speaker, you also need to be a good reader to be a good writer. Aside from filling up on good books and magazines, it’s also essential to read materials related to what you’re expected to write. For example, if you’re trying to learn how to be a blogger, check out the best writing blogs for inspiration. The idea is not to copy the blogs but to wrap your head around how the key players do it.
If you’re the type who procrastinates all day only to cram an hour before the deadline, you’re not alone. Though a little time pressure can sometimes help squeeze out words into that blank page, it’s not a good habit to keep. It’s best to try to create a routine and stick to it. Doing so will help ensure better consistency.
Before you begin writing, turn the TV off and put your phone in silent mode. Put away other gadgets or other things that could distract you from the task at hand. Some people run the TV on the background while writing, to have some noise in the background. However, doing so can cause you to lose much-needed focus. If you find the room to be too silent, play some coffee house jazz instrumental music instead.
If you want your pieces to create an impact, your sentences should pack a punch. There are several ways to do this. First, you need to minimize the passive voice when writing. Passive voice can water down the power of a sentence. So avoid it and use active verbs as much as possible. Secondly, keep your sentences short. Every statement should take the readers to the point step by step without the fluff.
If you want to sharpen your writing skills in English, it’s essential to mind your grammar. Every writer may commit an error now and then. Thankfully, various online platforms and apps check grammar and sentence construction. Be sure to run your piece on any of these websites before turning it in.
Whether you’re writing an SEO blog or a content strategy material, revision and editing is the key to take the piece to its best form. After writing the piece, don’t edit it right away. Instead, take the time to do something else – get a cup of tea or take a walk. Taking your eyes off the material for a bit allows you to see it from a fresh perspective when it’s time to revise.
Getting feedback is one of the most elements of striving to become a better writer. If you want advice on how to improve writing style, ask someone else to read your work and tell you their honest input. Doing so can help you hone your creative writing skills and catch blind spots you might not usually notice on your own.
No one knows what causes writer’s block, but there are several ways to overcome it. Try any of these tricks to refresh your mind and get you into a writing mood:
Try these exercises to improve writing skills and further hone your creativity in sewing words together.
Whether you’re a high school or college student, or employee, improving your writing is always a worthy endeavor. Even seasoned writers do their best to learn something new every day and develop their abilities further. As long as you have discipline and passion for what you’re doing, you’ll be able to write your own ticket in no time.