
Given the choice between a recorded voice prompt and talking to an actual human when calling a hotline, which one would you prefer? If you’re like most consumers, you’ll probably go for the latter. Applied to written content, humanizing info and instructions is exactly what technical copywriters do. It does so by getting rid of hard-to-understand terms and making content easier to digest. 

It’s not surprising that many ventures bring in experts to craft efficient copies for them. After all, reading materials with a human touch are far more effective than mechanical texts. In fact, stats tell us that personalized calls-to-action work 202% better compared to basic ones.


What is Technical Copywriting?

The Society for Technical Communication (STC) defines tech copywriting or communication as any of the following:

  • Info about specialized or technical or topics (e.g. medical procedures, computer apps, etc.)
  • Info that uses tech to communicate (e.g. websites, social media, etc.), and 
  • Instructions about how to do something

While copywriters write to sell and technical writers write to explain, technical copywriters do both.

This effort aims to make info usable and helpful for those who need it. For instance, merely saying that a blender operates with 500 watts may not mean much for most homemakers. However, stating that the blender has enough power to crush ice and make smooth purees is something anyone can appreciate.

Solopreneurs might think that hiring a tech copywriter for business is an unneeded expense. And that they’ll be better off doing the writing themselves. Doing so, however, can lead to wasted effort and time.


The Problem With DIY Copywriting

If you search online, there are various technical copywriting course options available for newbies. Thus, you might think it’s a great idea to learn the ropes yourself. 

However, there may be drawbacks to doing so, including the following:

  • Learning something from scratch requires time allowance for a learning curve. That said, you wouldn’t want to put your business on the line as you experiment with your newly-learned skills.
  • It makes much more sense to assign a crucial part of the business to someone who’s an expert at it. For instance, you wouldn’t want to learn coding from scratch when setting up your website. 
  • Even if you think you can perform a copywriter’s job description, doing so will eat up a chunk of your time. Likewise, time spent doing legwork means less time dedicated to actually growing the business.

If you take these into consideration, it makes sense to find a copywriter instead of trying to do it yourself.


Benefits of Hiring Technical Copywriters 

colleagues brainstorming

Here are a few benefits of hiring a technical writer to create your copy.


Explaining a Product in Layman’s Term

If you’ve been in the same trade for a long time, you probably know all the jargon used in your field. However, your prospects and clients might not. 

For your prospects to fully grasp the value of your product, it must be written in layman’s terms.

Technical copywriting translates an expert explanation into an abridged version everyone can follow. Moreover, a copywriter views your product with a fresh set of eyes. As a result, they can write about it from a new perspective. 


Applying Copywriting Principles

Let’s say you’re launching a financial tech app. You might be an expert in tech and finance, but possibly not in copywriting. 

A skilled writer would know just what words and structure to best describe what you offer. Added to that, a technical or an ad copywriter is trained to take the brand closer and more relatable to the reader.

Added to that, seasoned writers are familiar with industry standards. So, you can rest assured that your copy will stand out but won’t look out of place alongside those of your rivals. 


Giving a Human Touch to the Document

Sometimes, raw specs can appeal to consumers who are well-versed about the product they’re checking out. For instance, a techie client would instantly appreciate an eBook reader with a 1 terabyte storage. However, a bookworm might not instantly grasp the idea, unless you say that the product can hold up to over a million eBooks.

Needless to say, great copies make it easier for consumers to see how the product or service suits their needs. It also makes purchasing a logical choice by turning the spotlight on the benefits of the product.


Technical Copywriting’s Impact on Client Interaction

If you look at the work being done by top copywriter companies, you’ll see that most of their efforts are geared towards taking the brand closer to their audience.  

Most firms spend a lot of time, effort, and money on research to get to know their audience. From what they do and how they think, to what motivates them to buy anything – everything is considered. After this, the data gathered guides the team to brainstorm for ideas that relate to branding.

As mentioned above, technical copywriters sell and explain. Both efforts pave the way for better client synergy through the following ways:

  • Better Usability. When info is explained clearly, it’s easier for clients to use the product or service. This, in turn, can lead them to better appreciate the brand and become instant supporters of it.
  • Engaged Clients. People won’t respond to content they don’t understand. However, if you give them the info they can grasp at an instant, most satisfied clients would be happy to engage, be it through your website or social media channels. 
  • Increased Relatability. Content that seems too scientific and robotic makes a brand seem out of reach. Using simpler terms that create an impact makes your brand appear more relatable to your clients.

In conclusion, hiring technical copywriters can indeed take your products or services closer to your prospects. Good copywriting doesn’t only highlight the upsides of your brand. Instead, it also emphasizes how it can contribute to improving your customers’ lives. If you want to make the most out of your marketing efforts, getting help from a pro will be the best move.

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