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If you want to start your WordPress blogs, it isn’t enough that you are capable of writing, or that you know thousands of words to play with. Unfortunately, maintaining a blog isn’t exactly a walk in the park. There are several conditions that will help your blog survive and thrive in such a competitive space. And this is what this post is all about. We would like to share the common pitfalls of why most WordPress blogs fail even in their first year.  

They are Not Passionate About Blogging 

Yes, we know that this sounds cheesy, and you’ve probably heard thousands of people say that you need to be passionate about what you are doing. They claim that it is the key to success. 

But no matter how cliché this sounds, it makes sense considering that blogging is an extensive and sometimes draining task. If you are not passionate about it, it’s easier to stop in the middle of everything. And without regular blog posts, your page will surely die in no time.  

They Don’t Have Fresh Topics to Write About 

Here’s the thing. Even the best writers experience what we call writer’s block. It’s when your creative juices run out. Yet again, readers would like something fresh, out of the box, and could not be seen from other WordPress blogs. That alone can be exhausting to think about. The question now – is there a solution for that? 


If you want to take blogging seriously, then having a content calendar is a must. When you are still pumped up to think and your creative gears are still running, use that time to plot your topics for the whole month. If you can do the same for the entire quarter or even the full year, then better. 

Instead of staring blankly at your laptop or your wall, use creative tools such as a mind map or random word generation.

They Don’t Market Their WordPress Blogs



No matter how good you are, and even if your content is the best out there, it’s useless if nobody can see it. Do not expect that your blog will have a huge following right away. You need to aggressively market your blog, starting within your circle. 

Re-share your content to different social media platforms, or send the link to those who might be interested. However, if you are to take this path, please do so with caution. Sending and posting your links randomly and non-stop might backfire as well. In some major platforms such as Facebook, your account will be flagged. It will be deactivated either for some time or permanently. 

They Don’t Know How to Network

Regardless of your industry, networking is crucial if you want to succeed. In the case of WordPress blogs, we highly recommend that you check out other blogs and provide genuine insights about their topics and even their posts. Comment on these or send a personal email to the author. 

If possible, you can even ask if they are open for guest authors or guest posts. The advantage of writing for other WordPress Blogs is that you are expanding your reach. This is especially true if the blog space already has a huge following. More often than not, they will allow you to add a short bio and even links to your pages. Take that opportunity.  

The Layout is Poor 

Just imagine yourself looking at a website where the layout is cluttered or disorganized. We bet that you would immediately close the window and look for another online resource. The same thing applies if your blog is not aesthetically pleasing. 

Make sure that it isn’t too heavy on the eyes and filled with texts. You should also use headings and images to break your articles. When readers notice that your article is long without allowing them to have a pause, you will lose their interest.  

There are No Quality Images



While this blog space should talk about your writing technique, it is still critical that you know the importance of quality images for WordPress blogs. 

We are visual creatures. That’s a fact. So if you will use photos or images that are substandard or insignificant, don’t expect that people will be persuaded to read your entire post. 

As someone who’s just starting to write online, you might probably use stock images. That’s good – but only for a certain period. Whenever possible, take original photos and use them for your blogs. Perhaps, you have friends who need exposure. Commission them to take photos for you. 

When you do this, people will have an impression that your content is unique, simply because your photo cannot be found on other websites. Just so you know, stock images are used thousands of times all over the world, making it hard to stand out.  

They are Not Willing to Spend for their Blog 

Here’s another truth bomb. 

If you want to make it big, then be prepared to spend too. 

This is what most new bloggers do not realize. They think that they just need to write, publish, and money will come pouring in. However, if you intend to earn, then you must be willing to invest. You need to pay for your domain, certain themes, and even advertisements. 

Yes, there are a few lucky ones wherein the road to blog success is easier. Perhaps, they are already an established figure. Or, for some reason, they got one post viral, and they were able to keep the momentum. Yet again, only a tiny percentage experiences this. Do not depend on luck. But instead, work your way to the top.  

Your WordPress Blog Loads Slowly  

So, you’ve written quality posts, used the best photos available, properly marketed it to your audience, yet you do not see results. The problem could be your blog’s loading time. If your blog page loads for more than two seconds, your bounce rate would be at 9.6% on average. The longer your readers have to wait, the higher your bounce rate will be. 

There are several ways to speed up your website. You can remove unused plugins and resize your images, among many others. 

Maintaining WordPress blogs isn’t for the weak. But if you are up for the challenge and determined enough, it can bring you success.

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