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Some marketers think that publishing content is enough. And posting regular blogs on your website can reel in more readers. We hate to break your bubble, but that’s not going to cut the mustard. After you publish your content on various channels, you need to establish a robust content distribution strategy to reach out to your readers. Your content won’t magically end up in your readers’ inboxes or feeds, you know. The other half of the challenge in content marketing is promoting content. And if you want to promote your content fast, here are 15 foolproof ways to do it. 

1. Engage in social media groups

People naturally don’t like being sold to. Consumers can smell a promotional ad from a mile away. And when promoting content, you also can’t expect people to read it unless it benefits them. What you can do though to instill a genuine connection with your readers is to engage with them on social media groups. 

Find out where your readers and prospects are hanging out. Join these groups and engage in riveting conversations. If your content helps your audience’s pain points, try to offer your content as a solution. But remember not to be overly pushy. 

2. Create a funny promotional video

Videos are more compelling than text-based content. That’s because video content is easier to digest. But try not to create mundane videos. If there’s anything video marketing does, it’s taking your content a notch higher. 

You can do this by creating funny promotional videos that summarize your content. You can create a storyline that revolves around your blogs or podcasts. Try to integrate humor into your videos, so people are compelled to watch. 

3. Upload an interview with industry experts

Consumers look up to people with authority and credibility. And that’s why interviewing industry experts is another way to invite a pool of followers for your brand. Your content becomes valuable when you share some tips, stories, and testimonials from famous people in your niche. Try to make your questions relatable to your audience and upload the interview on various channels. 

4. Tag an influencer on social media

Influencers love the attention. They want to gain as many followers as they can. And for brands with a considerable following, tagging an influencer with similar values can gain more exposure. Once you tag an influencer, they’ll likely share your content with their followers. 

5. Post famous quotes with visuals

Your content should grab attention right off the bat. Instead of relying on long-form content, try something that offers value while making an impact. Relate to current news and events and see if you can grab a famous quote or exciting line from any person involved. Then upload this on your social media pages, coupled with eye-catching visuals. 

6. Run an online contest

Try to create an online contest around your content. For example, once you publish an interesting blog, you can then run a contest on social media. Ask your readers to read, tag people, and share your content. To make sure that they read your content, you can ask a question about the blog content. The user with the correct answer wins!

7. Master your SEO game

search engine optimization

One effective way of promoting content is to rank it organically. When you optimize it for SEO, you’ll get in Google algorithms’ good graces. Do extensive keyword research, so you know which keywords are competitive in your niche. Integrate some SEO best practices to up your ranking on search engines. 

8. Write guest posts

Expanding your followership also means tapping into other websites with similar content. Working with these sites ensures that you’re catering to a similar audience. That said, try to write guest posts for other websites in your niche. 

9. Link to authority sites

Backlinking should be part of promoting content. Aside from internal links, external links are also crucial for SEO and website authority. Try to approach other similar blogs or authority websites. See if you can gain a backlink from them or link to a similar blog anywhere in your content. If you get a backlink from an authority site, your website’s domain and page authority will improve. 

10. Collaborate with bloggers and content writers

Gain more exposure by collaborating with bloggers, content writers, or copywriters. However, select bloggers and writers with similar values and topics. This way, you can rest assured that they will share their content to like-minded people. You’d be surprised how fast your content can make the rounds online, provided that it’s relevant and entertaining. 

11. Make an infographic go viral 

In this visually-centric era, brands need to capture their attention with images or illustrations that pack a punch. Some people prefer easily-digestible content such as infographics or videos. That said, turn your blog into a captivating infographic. 

12. Hashtag that conversation

One way to trigger people’s thoughts is to start a conversation on social media. You can relate to hot news and events and ask a stimulating question to make people engage. Remember, don’t forget to include a hashtag so people will easily find your thread on social networks. 

13. Send personalized emails

Email marketing is an effective form of promoting content. Brands have the power to personalize emails by using aggregated user information. A pro tip would be to segment your email list to send content that caters to interested readers. 

14. Repurpose into different formats

So you publish a blog, and it makes the rounds online. What now? Don’t keep it stagnant. Try to leverage from your evergreen content. Repurpose your blog into other content formats such as videos, podcasts, or magazines. Turning it into various media formats means you’re also tapping into your other audiences on different channels.

15. Invest in paid advertising

If you want a quick solution in promoting content, then investing in paid advertising is the key. The upper hand of paid marketing is you have complete control of the budget and content exposure. Use popular platforms such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads. This way, you know you’re not wasting your time, money, and effort in content promotion. 

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