Why Hiring an Ad Copywriter is the Best Marketing Decision 

In 2019, digital ad spending in the US had reached $129.34 billion, which accounts for 54.2% of total media ad spending. Neil Patel said that for every $1 you spend on Google Ads, you could earn an average of $2 in revenue. But that is, "if you communicate your offer accurately."  This goes to show

professional writers for websites featured image
Why You Need a Professional Copywriter for Website Content

Having a professional-looking website is crucial to every business, but in today's fierce competition, it isn't enough. When you work hard to have style, you also need to think carefully about substance. And you get that from high-quality content. In this article, we'll show you why compelling content matters for your business. We'll also list

Beginner’s Guide to Ad Copy Best Practices

Advertising has seen its fair share of radical changes throughout the years. Platforms came and went, strategies went from print to digital, and so on. But there is one thing that stays as crucial as ever, and that is ad copy. The best website, social media graphics, or the most expensive ad placements won't get you

writing agency
Boost Your Marketing Strategy by Using an Unlimited Content Service 

Did you know that 93% of B2B marketers use content for their marketing strategies? Studies also show that 78% of CMOs (Chief Marketing Officers) believe custom content is the future of marketing. The reason for this is the proven fact that content marketing gets three times more leads per dollar spent than paid search. We could

11 Types of Content Writing and When to Use Them

It's already proven that one of the most effective marketing strategies is content marketing. A study shows that 92% of marketers see content as a valuable asset that many businesses aren't taking advantage of. Those who prioritize content see 13 times more ROIs as well as three times more leads than paid search advertising. If

writing tool
10 Types of Writing Every Writer Should Know

Writing is said to be an art form that feeds the soul, the reason it has always been a well-loved endeavor since time immemorial. You can express your emotions, feelings, knowledge, and not to be overly dramatic, to give meaning to life. Not only can you do all these, but you can also use it

CEO and applicant
50 Action Words to Strengthen Your Resume 

You might not be aware of it, but every word on your resumes counts. Recruiters, especially those from big companies, only spend 6 seconds to scan each of the thousand resumes they get. This is the reason you shouldn’t mince words on your resume and use strong resume action words instead.  In a sea of

people working on business proposal
Writing a Business Proposal for Beginners 

Writing a business proposal can be intimidating, especially for new business owners. As with any type of proposal, stating why you're the best choice can be scary. But that's if you don't know how to do it right.  In this article, we'll delve into the art of business proposal writing. We'll give you tips on

woman holding pen writing
Why Not Every Business is Using These Types of Writing 

Writing is an art form that we use to express emotions and convey messages. There are many types of writing, and they can vary from writer to writer. But, there are times that a piece of writing requires a specific style other than the author's own.  As writers, learning these different types of writing helps

person holding a piece of paper
Types of Writing Tones to Know for 2020

 As writers, we all know that what we write and how we write it depends on who our audience is. Whether you're writing for your blog, a website, a novel, or a news article, it's essential to learn the different types of writing tones. Connecting with your readers becomes easier when you use the right

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