
In 2019, digital ad spending in the US had reached $129.34 billion, which accounts for 54.2% of total media ad spending. Neil Patel said that for every $1 you spend on Google Ads, you could earn an average of $2 in revenue. But that is, “if you communicate your offer accurately.” 

This goes to show that an ad copywriter’s job is something every business owner shouldn’t take lightly. Nor something you should do yourself if you don’t have the skills to do so. Read on to know why hiring an ad copywriter is advantageous for your marketing strategies


What is an Ad Copywriter? 

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Photo Credit: Ricola 

You may be wondering how an ad copywriter is different from any other type of writing. Ad copywriting is an entirely distinct writing type as it brings different results than, let’s say, content writing. An ad copywriter is the one responsible for crafting words that aim to sell products and services. 

Most people may not be aware of it, but ad copy is everywhere we look, from catchy headlines to compelling call-to-action. An ad copywriter works with the marketing team to create advertisements specifically to lure consumers into buying. They specialize in writing ad copy for online content, SEO, and other pieces that involve the promotion of a brand. 


How Does an Ad Copy Work? 

The primary concern of an ad copywriter is to get consumers to take action, preferably to give their business to a brand. In a traditional setting, a customer goes to a salesperson to ask questions about a product or service. In this situation, the salesperson is your ad copywriter

When the customer shows interest in a brand, the ad copywriter answers their queries. The ad copywriter has to be creative and persuasive to address the customers’ concerns efficiently. And through this, the ad copywriter can remove all hesitations and objections that the prospect may have about your brand. This will then help lead the potential customers down the sales funnel. 


How Ad Copy Impacts Marketing 

A great website, engaging social media posts, and many other marketing strategies are surefire ways to increase revenues. But without compelling ad copy, you’re missing half of the equation. Ad copy can impact marketing in a variety of ways, here are some of them: 


Brand Recall 

Compelling ad copy makes consumers remember your brand name. Ad copy should inform prospects what your brand is about. It should make them think of you when they need a product such as yours.  


Evoke Emotions 

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Photo Credit: De Beers 

A study has shown that although consumers think they use their logic when deciding to make a purchase, in truth, it’s the emotions that do the buying. A competent ad copywriter can evoke certain feelings with the content they write for ads. With data gathered from analytics, an ad copywriter can write copy that stimulates emotions relating to clicking on that buy button. 


Drive Traffic 

An ad copy that is optimized to improve click-through and conversion rates will surely boost traffic to your website. A high click-through-rate will translate to higher conversion rates and a good return on your investment. Ad copy that uses relevant keywords can put your brand in front of your target audience. 


Advertising Efficiency 

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Photo Credit: Air Asia 

Advertising that works is advertising that brings in the money. Standing out from the crowd is every business owner’s goal, with well-written ad copy, you’re sure to differentiate yourself from the rest. In addition, the money you spend on ads gets its full worth when they achieve your marketing objectives. 


Become an Authority 

An ad copy can be a great channel to help you develop an authoritative voice that commands respect and attention. Being an authority in your field makes consumers trust you more. An ad copywriter can create pieces of text that can give you a voice of influence and persuasion. 


Build Strong Connections 

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Photo Credit: Porsche 

An ad copywriter can give your brand a tone of voice that makes strong connections with your audience. They can craft texts that can give you a human voice based on your buyer persona. However technical your product may be, a good ad copywriter can speak to your market without intimidating them. This, in turn, will open doors to more customers and sales. 


Tips on Writing an Effective Ad Copy  

To understand what good ad copy is, here are a few tips on writing one: 

  • Always include the benefits consumers will get from your brand. You have to put into words how your brand can improve your prospects’ lives.
  • Tell them how you’re better than the competition. Researching your audience is helpful, but knowing your competition can also give you insightful information. You can let prospects know why doing business with you is better.
  • Add a compelling Call-To-Action. When you let people know what to do next, they’ll be compelled to click on that Buy Now button than just letting them find out for themselves.
  • Determine who your audience is and know their pain points. To write the exact ad copy that your target audience wants to see, you need to know what they want and need that your brand can fill in.
  • Test your ad copy. Advertising nowadays has become so easy for targeting as compared to advertising before the advancements in technology. You can now test your ad to see which ones work and which ones you should ditch. 


How Content Fuel Can Help 

Now that you decided on hiring an ad copywriter, you may be wondering where to find one. Content Fuel is an unlimited content writing service that can provide you with all kinds of content you may need. From ad copy to blog article writing, we have a writer for you. 

Our professional writers are vetted, so you no longer have to go through the hiring process. At just $389 per month, you can have all your content written for you, including ad copies.

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