managers discussing marketing approach

B2b content marketing sits on a fine line between its counterpart — b2c content marketing. 

While the latter is all about resolving an individual’s pain points, the former eyes businesses or organizations. If you’re in the b2b or business-to-business industry, read our comprehensive guide on some b2b content marketing tactics and learn from some b2b content examples while you’re at it. 

But first things first, let’s dig deeper into why b2b marketing, in general, is different from other types of marketing. 


What is B2B Marketing?

content marketing strategy

One primary nuance between b2b and b2c marketing is the target market. With b2c marketing, the business focuses on getting individual leads. 

On the other hand, b2b marketing aims for other businesses as well. That said, b2b marketing will entail more effort because your advertising approach must penetrate several decision-makers in the organization.

Unlike b2c advertising wherein you’re pitching to only one person, b2b advertising pitches to one or a couple of people representing an entire organization. That said, b2b marketing strips off the emotional buying factor. 

When prominent decision-makers are involved, a lot of logic and objectivity factor in. Marketers would have to focus on how their product’s or service’s features and benefits can make an entire organization better. Some common benefits companies are looking for are streamlined processes for productivity and ways to cut down on expenses and other resources.

Above all, you, as a b2b entity, should focus on resolving other businesses’ needs and challenges. Consequently, every advertising approach should dwell on metrics and results, instead of brand awareness.

Truth be told, some people dislike the whole sales-pitchy way of presenting a company’s products or services. But one sure-fire method of subtly promoting your b2b products and services is through b2b content marketing. 


Why B2B Content Writing is Important for Your Brand

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Did you know that 80 percent of company decision-makers would rather read an article to gain information? So, it’s time to ramp up your content marketing game to survive in a dog-eat-dog industry. 

Here’s why b2b content writing is crucial to boost your company’s bottom line:

  • 89 percent of b2b advertisers include business-to-business content marketing in their strategies
  • Valuable content can explain your company’s products, services, and branding thoroughly
  • Consistent content can give you brand authority 
  • B2b content marketing is cost-efficient than other types of marketing
  • Enables businesses to tap into different audiences
  • Builds a client base quicker than other types of advertising
  • Attracts collaboration with popular influencers in the same niche
  • Business blogs are all the rage especially in social media platforms
  • It’s highly effective
  • Your competitors are doing it! 

Having said all these, there’s no time to hit the brakes on content marketing. Instead, it’s time to rev up the engine and step on the gas. Try these b2b content marketing tactics that should get your business moving skyward. 


5 B2B Content Marketing Techniques and Examples

color psychology in advertising

Before diving into these techniques, make sure you’ve wholly drafted your content marketing strategy. If not, go over with your team and make sure you plot everything — from the first line of offense, a/b testing to contingency approaches. 

Without a content marketing blueprint, you’ll get sidetracked along the way and might lose sight of goals and objectives. If you’ve checked that on the list, move on to these b2b content marketing hacks to garner a maximum return on investment.


1. Provide Value 

Remember that you’re resolving businesses’ needs and challenges. After you jot down your target market’s possible problems, position your product’s or service’s in the best possible light. 

Business owners look up to your business blogs if they can gain something out of it. Make every published content count. 

In business, managing finances is a colossal task, especially without the help of accounting experts. MYOB, a company that provides financing management solutions, has a network of financial advisers and bookkeepers. 

In its blogs, they talk about all things finance — very apt for new small and big businesses that don’t have their accounting in check. 


2. Repurpose Content

Instead of just sticking to one type of content, like business blogs, repurpose your content to cater to different readers. 

Aside from people who learn more from reading long-form content, there are also visual and auditory learners. Cherry-pick those blogs that stand out and turn them into ebooks, audiobooks, or infographics. 

Here’s an example of fun yet helpful infographics by companies that cater to other businesses as well, Samsung and Forbes.


3. Publish Consistently 

A company that publishes business blogs more than 20 times a month will gain more traction than a company that publishes five.

For one, you’ll have more chances of communicating with your audience regarding several topics. Secondly, you’ll gain more exposure if your readers share your articles within their circle.

Lastly, you’re building authority if you let professionals and entrepreneurs know your brand is continually helping organizations improve.

HubSpot hits the spot with a quantitative approach. They publish blogs that are all about sales, marketing, and customer service — three facets of business that their programs are built on. 


4. Publish LinkedIn Articles 

If your brand isn’t on LinkedIn, you’re missing out on a lot! LinkedIn differs from other social media platforms because of its primary purpose — expanding professional and business networks. 

And what better way to expand your network than finding clients or collaborating with other like-minded entrepreneurs on LinkedIn?

The LinkedIn Publisher platform is a brilliant way to connect with other businesses if done correctly. 

Here’s a LinkedIn article example from TalentSmart, a company that caters to several Fortune 500 companies by providing EI training, consulting, and tests. This particular blog, titled “15 Signs You Are Emotionally Intelligent,” garnered close to 8,000 likes! 

With over 30 million companies on LinkedIn, imagine the marketing mileage your articles will do for your brand.


5. Hire Content Marketing Experts 

Content writing isn’t an easy undertaking. One who may have the power to run an empire might not have the ability to write a compelling sentence or two.

That said, hire the best content writers in the industry. These experts know about recent content marketing trends and techniques that conventional marketers don’t. 

Being stingy with your content advertising will lead to poor metrics, minimal exposure, below average results, and low sales. 

Pro Tip: Invest in paid advertising to boost content. 



These tips should give you ample insight to kickstart your b2b content marketing strategy. Once your hard work pays off, expect to see jaw-dropping results in no time. 

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