power in the word phrase
The Most Helpful Writing Magazines You Have to Read

When it comes to reading, books always come to mind. Books enable us to explore new worlds and enrich our vocabulary as we flip one page, and another, and another. Most writers would go for books to inspire them and broaden their minds. However, there’s one writing medium that’s often overlooked: magazines. A writing magazine,

How to Describe Yourself When Writing a Bio

You may be a photographer looking to book more events or a healthcare professional aiming to grow your practice. Whatever your career path may be, your website bio can make all the difference in establishing your credentials. Indeed, writing a bio can be a complicated task. Though knowing how to write a biography essay or

writer working on project proposal
The Four Major Types of Writing Styles 

Writing styles are as countless as there are writers. Each has their way of expressing their thoughts and ideas. But to grow as a writer, it's essential to learn to write with a specific purpose in mind.  Learning the four major types of writing styles helps you develop your voice as a wordsmith. This allows

How The Internet’s Top Bloggers Appeal To Sponsors

For many, blogging is a form of expressing their views and opinions; most started as a hobby to pass away the time. People see bloggers as someone who has a full-time job and writes in their free time. But as the years passed, blogging has now been equated to being an entrepreneur. And the prospects

woman writing a blog
Famous Bloggers Ready To Inspire Your Next Adventure

I’ve always wanted to start my blogging site centered on travel and sustainability. However, it’s been years, and I haven’t mustered up the courage to start one until I’ve followed famous bloggers, who, to this date, have inspired me.  According to Blogging.com, starting could be the hardest part of your journey. There are factors you

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