woman writing

In today’s post, we would like to talk about creative writing, how it can help your business, and what techniques you can use to write creatively. 

Let’s begin by answering the question, “What is creative writing?” As the name suggests, it’s when you write using creativity beyond the scope of blog posts and academic pieces. It’s not just merely presenting facts and information. It also has its entertainment value to entice readers. In fact, most people would rather read creative writing materials instead of contents that use a more serious tone. This is one of the reasons why most businesses consider creative writing when they market or promote their brand. 

In this article, we’ll tackle what is creative writing, why companies are using it, tips to master it, and some examples for your inspiration. 


Why Companies are Using Creative Writing Techniques? 

Just imagine all your business competitors right now. The only way to survive and to thrive in your industry is if your marketing materials are always above average. Having said that, a mundane type of writing will not get your brand anywhere. It needs to be exciting enough yet provides important information about your business. That is why it is crucial that you know the right words and how to play with them. 

And again, people will naturally gravitate towards creative form of writing. Case in point, most of us would read magazines rather than an encyclopedia. 

Creative writing in business can be used in different platforms and channels. You can use it for your posters, flyers, brochures, social media, websites, your company tagline, company presentations, and blogs. Basically, you can use the skill in almost all marketing or advertising materials.  


Tips to Master Creative Writing for Business 

pen ink

Now, some of you might think that creative writing is easy since there are no strict rules. You probably think that you just need to play with words, be witty, and you are all set. However, it takes more than that to write creatively for business purposes. Always remember that everything you associate with your brand can make or break your business. This includes your written content. 


Know Your Facts 

Even if you are writing creatively, always back it up with facts and genuine information. You wouldn’t want to spread fake news or malicious information, most especially if you are writing for your brand. Imagine what it can do to your reputation. Again, you can always be creative but stick to facts.  


Be Consistent with Your Message

You always have to think about your message. Is it aligned with the company’s objective? If not, then you will have to restructure your content in such a way that the message is clear. 

Do you want to introduce your brand? Do you want to get more clients? Do you need to establish a good following? Again, your objective must be established first. If not, you might have something enjoyable to read, but it will not serve its purpose. 


Use Mind-Mapping Technique 

Since creative writing for business means you have to generate a lot of ideas and perhaps use a different perspective, we recommend using the mind-mapping technique. Instead of writing ideas in a linear way, you do so creatively. Here’s a step by step process you can follow: 

  1. Draw a circle in the middle of your board or paper and write your main topic.
  2. Think of all the words you can associate with your central topic and write it down as if it branched out from the main word. 
  3. Repeat the process until you run out of ideas. 
  4. Look at your ‘masterpiece’, see which unique angle you can use, and take it from there.   


Always Know Your Audience 

And of course, you have to understand your audience. You need to know their language so that they can easily relate to your content. This will increase your organic likes and shares on social media. 


Be Careful with Your Grammar 

Creative writing doesn’t mean you have an excuse to write a lousy material. As always, you have to make sure that your contents are free from grammar mistakes. 


Be Careful with Your Humor

We understand that humor works most of the time. But you have to be cautious if you are to use it in creative writing for business. You have to ensure that your jokes or humor will not be offensive to anyone. Be sensitive when writing. After all, you wouldn’t want bad publicity for your business, would you?  



And lastly, it takes a lot of practice. Understand what is creative writing in all its basic definitions and styles. Write as much as you can and you will find it easier sooner or later. Read a lot and accept criticisms. This is how you can be a better creative writer for business. 


List of Companies Using Creative Writing

Still not convinced that your business should use creative writing? Then you might want to take a look at these successful companies using the technique. 


The Body Shop 

The_Body_Shop website copy

Look at how The Body Shop uses creative writing when giving tips and advice. It’s informative and at the same time, you do not lose interest in reading. They certainly know how to talk to their market and you should be able to understand yours too. 



Nike website copy

“Our newest shoe is built to help keep you doing what you love. Because there’s only one thing that’s worse than being injured – not running.” 

This is a good example of creative writing when promoting a new product. It’s not just a bland text saying, “Hey, buy these. These are great.” It takes a more personal approach and it evidently highlights what the shoes can do – to help you run.  



Rexona website copy

Rexona, as we all know, is already a popular brand. But because of its increasing competition in the industry, they still added more value to their website. They have articles that can help readers with specific concerns. In addition, it helps with their search engine ranking. 

Look at the posts they have written. It’s not just about the product itself, but they created articles with different topics. But if you are going to look at it, everything can be associated with deodorants or their product. Clever, isn’t it? 



Creative writing is definitely an important part of your business. The right words can win more clients and can even generate sales. But again, this is a special skill that must be learned and practiced. 

We understand though that time is important and your schedule might be tight. That means you have little time to work on your creative writing skills. Don’t worry, there are companies that can do that for you. Outsource creative writing services from the best, and maximize your business’s potential. 

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