pink pants and yellow bathtub

There’s nothing like a fashionmonger sauntering in the streets that’ll make many heads turn. Fashionistas definitely stand out. And unless you’re in Paris where people live, breathe, and eat fashion, these fashion jet-setters love to showcase their swag. One way to do that, without flying miles across the world for fashion runways, is through fashion blog writing.

If you’re wondering how to start a fashion blog, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to find out everything you need to know about fashion blogging. 


How to Start a Fashion Blog 

shoes camera bag phone watch belt on the table

First and foremost, you have to love fashion. Then you must know how to write a blog. For the former, that has to be all YOU. For the latter, here are seven simple steps on how to start a fashion blog:


1. Define your fashion style

Music is subdivided into several genres. Similarly, fashion also has different styles. Someone’s style might not work for others, but who cares? The beauty of fashion, even though it’s subjective, is that it gives people the confidence to wear what they want.

So the first step on how to write your fashion blog is to define your fashion style. Which fashionistas do you resonate with? Here are the most common types of fashion styles:

  • Vintage fashion style
  • Bohemian fashion style
  • Chic fashion style
  • Artsy fashion style
  • Sexy fashion style
  • Casual fashion style
  • Sophisticated fashion style
  • Tomboy fashion style
  • Rocker/Gothic fashion style
  • Preppy fashion style


2. Know what type of content you want

A fashion blogger doesn’t fall into one category. You’d be surprised how many there are! Decide which type of fashion blogger you want to be and go from there. Here are the most common ones and some famous fashion blog examples:

Personal Style Bloggers

These bloggers write about their favorite outfits and lifestyle articles. One example is The Blonde Salad

Fashion News Bloggers

As the name suggests, these bloggers write about industry news like the Business of Fashion blog. Some fashion news bloggers also include style advice and runway show schedules like Vanity Fair

Lifestyle Bloggers 

These are probably the most common type. These bloggers talk about all things, fashion, travel, food, and decor. A Cup of Jo is a great channel to read about these categories.

Fashion Photography Bloggers

Fashion photography entails two things, writing, and photography. Some examples are The Sartorialist and Street Peeper

Special Niche Fashion Bloggers

You may also write about your fashion advocacies like how some popular magazines wrongly portray beauty by being skinny. The Curvy Fashionista is a fashion blog for the voluptuous ones and defies those societal stereotypes.


3. Find what you can bring to the table

clothes in hangers

Once you’ve categorized your style, you have to make it stand out from the thousands of bloggers who have the same style. Depending on the type of blog, you want to give your blog an edge. Something that people can’t find elsewhere, like McDonald’s special sauce. 

Okay, let’s break it down a bit. Look at celebrities and check their fashion styles. What makes them different from the rest? Rihanna’s bad girl style, Björk’s quirky outfits, Lady Gaga’s provocative, over-the-top costumes, now what’s yours? 


4. Choose a website builder and hosting

Now it’s time for the technical part on starting a fashion blog — website building. Choose a simple website builder that can accommodate your needs. Some are Wix, WordPress, or Squarespace. 

Next is to buy hosting. Every website needs hosting, especially for the nonhobbyists, because it scales more on Google. 

And now comes the fun part — website design! After you’ve chosen a unique domain, choose free or paid themes that match your blog’s concept and content. Some platforms’ drag-and-drop features make website designing a breeze.


5. Tell the world about your blog

Whether you’re doing fashion blogs as a hobby or career, you need an audience nonetheless. Determine what demographics your audience belongs to and find out where they’re hanging out. 

Try posting on different social networks. If you want to expand your audience reach, guest posting is also vital. Another way is to build an email list so you’ll have regular followers whom you can send your blogs to. Check out MailChimp for more information on email marketing.


6. Monetize your fashion blog

If you’re wondering how to start a fashion blog as a hobby, then skip this step. Otherwise, you can try these seven ways on how to monetize your fashion blog:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • PPC ads
  • Display ads
  • Fashion eCommerce store
  • Consultation services
  • Writing eBooks
  • Partnerships and sponsorships


7. Post consistent and quality content

Let me just say this right off the bat, low-quality content, though posted consistently, doesn’t work. The number of blog posts you need to write weekly is not set in stone. You’ll have to figure that out through your goals, analysis, audience preference, among others. 

But how do you stay consistent on writing fashion blog posts?

3 Ways to Write Blog Posts Consistently:

  • Define your goal. Do you want to increase your following? Are you building an email list? Or are you doing this for fun? Knowing your goal enables you to figure out how many blog posts you need to write weekly. Here’s a fun fact, CoSchedule increased its subscribers when they cut back from three to two longer blogs per week!
  • Make writing a habit. The main ingredient for a fashion blog is commitment. Make it a habit to write, with or without a schedule. 
  • Use an editorial content calendar. This is your primary ally when you want to start fashion blogging. Editorial calendars help track content categories, monitor promotional channels, schedule upcoming blog posts, and publish blog posts.


How to Come Up with Fashion Blog Ideas

girl in yellow background

The first few blog ideas for your fashion blog might flow like water in a stream. However, once you feel you’ve exhausted all topics about fashion, it can be hard thinking of fresh ones. Here’s what you should do: 

  • “Good artists copy, great artists steal,” the words of the famous painter Picasso. Steal ideas from other fashion blogs. Plain and simple.
  • Ask your audience. Another way is to ask your audience for any topic they want next. If you don’t have a considerable following yet, ask Google. 
  • Update your old content and give it a new flair.
  • Check recent fashion industry news, events, trends, and controversies. These are hot topics for fashion blogs.
  • Interview inspiring fashionistas that have the edge over others. 
  • Always keep a file full of ideas. One way to make sure you always have topics to write about is if you check your cheat sheet. Always bring it with you and jot down whatever fashion topics come to mind. 


Final Words

Now that you have an idea on how to start a fashion blog, it’s all up to you to take that first life-changing step. There’s never a dull moment when it comes to fashion as the trends keep changing. So if you’re crazy about all things sartorial, express your ideas through modern-age channels and spread the word via fashion blogs.

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