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SEO has become the premier strategy in driving traffic to websites. One aspect of SEO is to produce high-quality copy and content. But if your blogs aren’t optimized yet, you might limit your content from getting the exposure it deserves. By focusing on SEO blog writing, it will give you an advantage over competitors and encourage you to keep on writing for your audience. With the five tips below, you can create valuable blog posts your audience will love.

SEO Tip 1: Identify the Keywords You Want to Rank For

An integral part of SEO blog writing is keywords. They’re the phrases or words that will drive traffic to your blog.

Keywords can lead you to your desired answer through the form of a blog post, a copy, or even a snippet.

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For example, if you’re looking for the “best headphones,” a TechRadar blog post comes up.

It’s these types of posts that cater to your audience’s interests.

You can follow the same feat by doing keyword research and using tools. This process can become tedious, but it will have its pay-offs.

Start by knowing what keywords will be relevant to your SEO blog writing efforts. You can do a simple Google search and branch out by using keyword tools.

You can use tools such as:

  • Ubersuggest
  • Soovle
  • Keyword Tool

From there, you can check how your competitors write their blogs. Plus, check how your blogs can provide more value. Once you have a grasp of the keywords you need to use, you can start planning your content based on those.

SEO Tip 2: Produce Relevant and Valuable Content

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All content writers and marketers say the same thing about content. It’s all about establishing relevance and authority. Without these two components, your blog may not be optimized, and your target audience may not even make an effort to search for it any longer.

But the most important thing to remember about content is quality over quantity. Not to get too technical, but if you post relevant and high-quality blogs, search engines can give you a high placement in rankings.

Here are some quick tips to rank high:

  • Place internal links on your blog
  • Follow on-page SEO practices
  • Promote your blog through email or social media

Neil Patel is one of the most known and trusted marketers and bloggers on the internet. Most of his blogs rank high because of the way he structures his blog posts. As an example, his storytelling blog post uses bolded words, visuals, and data. He makes it easier for readers to skim his blog and go to the important parts of his blog posts.

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Value is key for your SEO blog writing, and you should keep that in mind. If users trust you, it can help with your ranking and even earn backlinks from other bloggers.

SEO Tip 3: Practice Link Building

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Link building and keywords go hand-in-hand as the most known strategies to use in SEO. When you’re done writing your content, you should also consider the links you need to add to your blog. 

Link building is a process that requires constant content publishing and adding high-value links to your blog. It’s important you earn the backlinks rather than get flagged by Google. If you put relevant, high-quality links on your blog, it increases your chances of ranking on Google.

Many bloggers use the internal link building technique to help their users click on the links on other blog pages and the website. This way, they can check out what else you offer and learn more about you or your products or services.

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For example, Sprout Social uses internal link building that helps create relevance and authority for the blog.

In terms of link building, you should never stop writing and providing value. Who knows, once you’ve gotten traction, people would read more of your blog posts and eventually get backlinks from high-quality websites.

SEO Tip 4: Optimize User Experience

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User experience (UX) deals more with the usability of your website and even on the mobile version. It digs deeper into the user’s interaction with your website and has desirability, accessibility, and even credibility. 

You need to consider various elements to ensure the UX is aligned with your SEO blog writing efforts.

But these are the basic things to note in integrating UX into your blogs:

  • Headings
  • Images
  • Page speed
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For headings, you want to make sure that you have the following headings:

  • H1
  • H2
  • H3

Then, don’t forget to add your keyword on your headings as well. Check out this example from Hubspot. They used the keyword on the H2 heading. Plus, used H3 for the other sub-headings.

As for images, make sure to use keywords as alt-tags. This way, potential visitors can click on your blog even through an image search. 

Finally, for page speed, make sure that your site is optimized and responsive. If any of your blog pages load slowly, your visitor might end up going to your competitor’s site.

By optimizing your UX, you can have returning customers or readers who may expect you to provide more than just a readable and accessible site.

SEO Tip 5: Don’t Forget to Convert

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If you want to be noticed and recognized by your target audience, you need to give them a reason to stay or become loyal in the future.

So long as you have a target audience in mind, you should keep in mind that you want these people to come back to your website.

Converting your target audience into your loyal readers or customers are part of SEO blog writing.

How can you convert your target audience?

Using a Call to Action (CTA) 

It can help you increase blog viewership in many ways. You can link them to your product or service. Or you may have them sign -up for your email newsletter. Lastly, you can even give them a discount just for clicking on the CTA. You would want your customers or readers to do something after reading your blog. Otherwise, your blog post may not get the traction you expect.

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Brian Dean from Backlinko gives access to its readers premium content when they sign up for his website. It’s a great way to have your readers feel like they have exclusive access to new blogs and possibly get discounts or get updated with new products or services.

The Bottomline

You should never disregard SEO in your blog writing. It’s a way for you to level up your blogging game. It can help motivate you to write more so you can acquire more readers and customers. For whatever reason you’re blogging, always remember to provide value, and you cater to your readers and customers’ interests. Eventually, you might end up earning your seal of authority and have more visitors flock to your blog and site.

If you’re looking to prioritize blogging in your content marketing strategy, subscribe to Content Fuel. Automate your content marketing for only $698/mo. You get 15 to 20 blog posts or up to 10,000 words worth of content or copy. Sign up now to get high-quality and SEO-friendly blogs today.

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