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How to Hire a Digital Copywriter Without Breaking the Bank

If you are serious about growing your company, then you probably read hundreds of business tips online and offline by now. And we don’t have to reiterate how important it is to have an online presence and to get a great digital copywriter to strengthen your marketing efforts. However, most people believe that to get

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How to Write an Advertisement Without Coming Off As Obnoxious

Advertisement writing is crucial for any type of business, and you might think that only skilled copywriters can do the job. Of course, they have the leverage, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. We have here a few advertisement writing tips if you want to improve the craft. This will help you

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Social Media Copywriting Guidelines to Increase Organic Traffic

There are more than 3.6 billion people who use social media. And if you are managing a business or a brand, using some of the biggest social media platforms is logical considering your potential reach. And in 2020, at the height of the pandemic, there was a drastic upward movement of people who spent their

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Sell Effectively to Businesses By Using These B2B Copywriting Tips

Copywriting is a broad field. Even if you have been writing for years, there could be a specific market which you are not able to tap yet. For example, have you ever written for businesses instead of consumers? This is what B2B copywriting is all about. While some fundamentals are the same, there are a

14 Easy Strategies To Improve Your Google Ranking

It’s about time that you learn the basics of how to improve Google Ranking. Your website still has a huge potential to grow, and it can help you forge your business. Learn these 14 steps to ensure that your website becomes more visible online.  1. Write Quality Content  It is a must to prioritize your

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Why Most WordPress Blogs Fail in The First Year (and how to prevent it)

If you want to start your WordPress blogs, it isn’t enough that you are capable of writing, or that you know thousands of words to play with. Unfortunately, maintaining a blog isn’t exactly a walk in the park. There are several conditions that will help your blog survive and thrive in such a competitive space.

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20 Print Advertisement Copy Examples To Increase Sales

Many people think that a photo or illustration is the only thing that can capture your market when doing print ads. But the copy is as important too. In fact, we have here written advertisement examples that won the market instantaneously. Check these out and get inspiration.  1. Daihatsu The Daihatsu brand isn’t as luxurious

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How to Write Valentine’s Day Appreciation Messages to Thank Your Customers

Most businesses maximize Valentine’s day to earn profits. After all, it’s one of the occasions when people are extra generous. But apart from marketing your products and services, you must also consider this wonderful time to thank those who are loyal to your brand. Instead of overly promoting your business through social media and newsletters,

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How to Feature a Guest Blog Post the Right Way

Publishing a guest blog post has been a common practice for years now. Other people like Matt Cutts says it's dead, and the approach has become spammy. In some cases, that's true, considering that others use guest blogging only as a link building tactic. More often than not, they don't give valuable information. However, we

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20 Clear and Well-Written Infographics to Learn From

Many big companies are using infographics to relay their message to the market. This shows how effective these are, and that’s not surprising as most people are visual creatures. If you want to create one for your brand, here are some of the best infographics that could inspire you. Apart from the design, you can

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